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Overlapping TCustomControl objects draw out of order when the form is created/restored

I'm having issues getting a TCustomControl to work with transparency in Delphi 2007. I've currently reduced the problem to the code below. The issue is that when the form is initially created the controls are drawing in the reverse order they are added to the form. When the form is resized, they paint in the correct order. What am I doing wrong? Excluding 3rd party solutions is there a more appropriate path to follow?

Screen shot of the sample program after resizing the window

Here's my sample project demonstrating the issue in Delphi 2007.

unit Main;


  Forms, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, Messages,

  // Example of a TWinControl derived control
  TMyCustomControl = class(TCustomControl)
    procedure CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams); override;
    procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var msg: TWMEraseBkGnd);
      message WM_ERASEBKGND;
    procedure Paint; override;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
    YellowBox: TMyCustomControl;
    GreenBox: TMyCustomControl;

  Form1: TForm1;


  Windows, Graphics;

{$R *.dfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  self.OnPaint := FormPaint;

  GreenBox := TMyCustomControl.Create(self);
  GreenBox.Parent := self;
  GreenBox.color := clGreen;

  YellowBox := TMyCustomControl.Create(self);
  YellowBox.Parent := self;
  YellowBox.color := clYellow;


// Paint bars on form background
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  Idx: Integer;
  for Idx := 0 to ClientHeight div 8 do
    if Odd(Idx) then
      Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite
      Canvas.Brush.Color := clSilver;  // pale yellow
    Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, Idx * 8, ClientWidth, Idx * 8 + 8));

{ TMyCustomControl }

procedure TMyCustomControl.CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams);
  params.ExStyle := params.ExStyle or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;

procedure TMyCustomControl.WMEraseBkGnd(var msg: TWMEraseBkGnd);
  SetBkMode (msg.DC, TRANSPARENT);
  msg.result := 1;

procedure TMyCustomControl.Paint;
  Canvas.Brush.Color := color;

like image 999
c0pp3rt0p Avatar asked Sep 01 '17 18:09


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1 Answers

What is wrong is your expectancy of the order of painting of your controls. The order of controls receiving WM_PAINT messages is documented to be actually in the exact opposite order, the top-most control receives the message first. More on the documentation later, since having WS_EX_TRANSPARENT styled siblings leaves us in undocumented territory. As you have already noted, you have a case where the order of the controls receiving WM_PAINT messages is not deterministic - when resizing the window the order changes.

I've modified a bit of your reproduction case to see what is happening. The modifications are the inclusion of two panels and a debug output when they receive WM_PAINT.

unit Unit1;


  Forms, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, Messages, ExtCtrls;

  TMyCustomControl = class(TCustomControl)
    procedure CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams); override;
    procedure WMEraseBkGnd(var msg: TWMEraseBkGnd);
      message WM_ERASEBKGND;
    procedure Paint; override;
    procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;

  TPanel = class(extctrls.TPanel)
    procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
    YellowBox: TMyCustomControl;
    GreenBox: TMyCustomControl;
    Panel1, Panel2: TPanel;

  Form1: TForm1;


  sysutils, windows, graphics;

{$R *.dfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Width := 590;
  Height := 270;
  OnPaint := FormPaint;

  GreenBox := TMyCustomControl.Create(self);
  GreenBox.Parent := self;
  GreenBox.SetBounds(20, 20, 140, 140);
  GreenBox.color := clGreen;
  GreenBox.Name := 'GreenBox';
  Panel1 := TPanel.Create(Self);
  Panel1.Parent := Self;
  Panel1.SetBounds(240, 40, 140, 140);
  Panel1.ParentBackground := False;
  Panel1.Color := clMoneyGreen;
  Panel1.Name := 'Panel1';

  Panel2 := TPanel.Create(Self);
  Panel2.Parent := Self;
  Panel2.SetBounds(260, 60, 140, 140);
  Panel2.ParentBackground := False;
  Panel2.Color := clCream;
  Panel2.Name := 'Panel2';
  YellowBox := TMyCustomControl.Create(self);
  YellowBox.Parent := self;
  YellowBox.SetBounds(80, 80, 140, 140);
  YellowBox.color := clYellow;
  YellowBox.Name := 'YellowBox';

// Paint bars on form background
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
  Idx: Integer;
  for Idx := 0 to ClientHeight div 8 do
    if Odd(Idx) then
      Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite
      Canvas.Brush.Color := clSilver;  // pale yellow
    Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, Idx * 8, ClientWidth, Idx * 8 + 8));

{ TPanel }

procedure TPanel.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
  OutputDebugString(PChar(Format(' %s painting..', [Name])));

{ TMyCustomControl }

procedure TMyCustomControl.CreateParams(var params: TCreateParams);
  params.ExStyle := params.ExStyle or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT;

procedure TMyCustomControl.WMEraseBkGnd(var msg: TWMEraseBkGnd);
  msg.Result := 1;

procedure TMyCustomControl.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
  OutputDebugString(PChar(Format(' %s painting..', [Name])));

procedure TMyCustomControl.Paint;
  Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
  Canvas.RoundRect(0, 0, Width, Height, 50, 50);


Which produces this form:

enter image description here

As determined by order of creation, the z-order is, from bottom to top,

  1. GreenBox,
  2. Panel1,
  3. Panel2,
  4. YellowBox.

The debug output for the WM_PAINT messages is this:

Debug Output:  Panel2 painting.. Process Project1.exe (12548)
Debug Output:  Panel1 painting.. Process Project1.exe (12548)
Debug Output:  YellowBox painting.. Process Project1.exe (12548)
Debug Output:  GreenBox painting.. Process Project1.exe (12548)

There are two things worth to note in this order.

First, Panel2 receives the paint message before Panel1, although Panel2 is higher in the z-order.

So how is it that while we see Panel2 as a whole, but we see only part of Panel1 even though it is painted later? This is where update regions come into play. The WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style flags in controls tell the OS that part of a control occupied by a sibling higher in the z-order is not going to be painted.

Clips child windows relative to each other; that is, when a particular child window receives a WM_PAINT message, the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style clips all other overlapping child windows out of the region of the child window to be updated.

Let's dig into a bit more in the WM_PAINT handler of Panel1 and see how the OS' update region looks like.

{ TPanel }

// not declared in D2007
function GetRandomRgn(hdc: HDC; hrgn: HRGN; iNum: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
    external gdi32;
  SYSRGN = 4;

procedure TPanel.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
  PS: TPaintStruct;
  Rgn: HRGN;

  TestDC: HDC;
  OutputDebugString(PChar(Format(' %s painting..', [Name])));

  Message.DC := BeginPaint(Handle, PS);
  Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
  if (Name = 'Panel1') and (GetRandomRgn(Message.DC, Rgn, SYSRGN) = 1) then begin
    OffsetRgn(Rgn, - Form1.ClientOrigin.X + Width + 40, - Form1.ClientOrigin.Y);
    TestDC := GetDC(Form1.Handle);
    SelectObject(TestDC, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
    PaintRgn(TestDC, Rgn);
    ReleaseDC(Form1.Handle, TestDC);
  EndPaint(Handle, PS);

The BeginPaint will clip the update region with the system update region which you can then retrieve with GetRandomRgn. I've dumped the clipped update region to the right of the form. Don't mind the Form1 references or missing error checks, we are only debugging. Anyway, this produces the below form:

enter image description here

So, whatever you draw in the client area of Panel1, it will get clipped into the black shape, hence it cannot be visually come into front of Panel2.

Second, remember that the green box is created first, then the panels and then the yellow last. So why is it that the two transparent controls are painted after the two panels?

First, remember that controls are painted from top to bottom. Now, how can it be possible for a transparent control to draw onto something which is drawn after it? Obviously it is not possible. So the entire painting algorithm have to change. There is no documentation on this and the best explanation I've found is from a blog entry of Raymond Chen:

... The WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended window style alters the painting algorithm as follows: If a WS_EX_TRANSPARENT window needs to be painted, and it has any non-WS_EX_TRANSPARENT windows siblings (which belong to the same process) which also need to be painted, then the window manager will paint the non-WS_EX_TRANSPARENT windows first.

The top to bottom painting order makes it a difficult one when you have transparent controls. Then there is the case of overlapping transparent controls - which is more transparent than the other? Just accept the fact that overlapping transparent controls produce undetermined behavior.

If you investigate the system update regions of the transparent boxes in the above test case, you'll find both to be exact squares.

Let's shift the panels to in-between the boxes.

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Width := 590;
  Height := 270;
  OnPaint := FormPaint;

  GreenBox := TMyCustomControl.Create(self);
  GreenBox.Parent := self;
  GreenBox.SetBounds(20, 20, 140, 140);
  GreenBox.color := clGreen;
  GreenBox.Name := 'GreenBox';
  Panel1 := TPanel.Create(Self);
  Panel1.Parent := Self;
  Panel1.SetBounds(40, 40, 140, 140);
  Panel1.ParentBackground := False;
  Panel1.Color := clMoneyGreen;
  Panel1.Name := 'Panel1';

  Panel2 := TPanel.Create(Self);
  Panel2.Parent := Self;
  Panel2.SetBounds(60, 60, 140, 140);
  Panel2.ParentBackground := False;
  Panel2.Color := clCream;
  Panel2.Name := 'Panel2';
  YellowBox := TMyCustomControl.Create(self);
  YellowBox.Parent := self;
  YellowBox.SetBounds(80, 80, 140, 140);
  YellowBox.color := clYellow;
  YellowBox.Name := 'YellowBox';


procedure TMyCustomControl.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);
  PS: TPaintStruct;
  Rgn: HRGN;

  TestDC: HDC;
  OutputDebugString(PChar(Format(' %s painting..', [Name])));

  Message.DC := BeginPaint(Handle, PS);
  Rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0);
  if (Name = 'GreenBox') and (GetRandomRgn(Message.DC, Rgn, SYSRGN) = 1) then begin
    OffsetRgn(Rgn, - Form1.ClientOrigin.X + Width + 260, - Form1.ClientOrigin.Y);
    TestDC := GetDC(Form1.Handle);
    SelectObject(TestDC, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
    PaintRgn(TestDC, Rgn);
    ReleaseDC(Form1.Handle, TestDC);
  EndPaint(Handle, PS);

enter image description here

The right-most black shape is the system update region for the GreenBox. After all the system can apply clipping to a transparent control. I think it would suffice to conclude that the painting algorithm is not perfect when you've got a bunch of transparent controls.

As promised, the documentation quote for the WM_PAINT order. One reason I've left this to last is that it includes a possible solution (of course we already found one solution, scatter some non-transparent controls in-between your transparent controls):

... If a window in the parent chain is composited (a window with WX_EX_COMPOSITED), sibling windows receive WM_PAINT messages in the reverse order of their position in the Z order. Given this, the window highest in the Z order (on the top) receives its WM_PAINT message last, and vice versa. If a window in the parent chain is not composited, sibling windows receive WM_PAINT messages in Z order.

For as little as I tested, setting WS_EX_COMPOSITED on the parent form seems to work. But I don't know if it is applicable in your case.

like image 142
Sertac Akyuz Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Sertac Akyuz