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otest crash with -[id<NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender> userCredential:]

We have a class that uses AFHTTPClient and AFHTTPRequestOperation's internally. In development, we connect to a server with an invalid SSL Certificate, so we have this code in the method that returns the request operations:

if (self.allowInvalidSSLCertificates)
        [operation setAuthenticationChallengeBlock:^(NSURLConnection *connection, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *challenge) {
            if ([challenge.protectionSpace.authenticationMethod isEqualToString:NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust]) {
                [challenge.sender useCredential:[NSURLCredential credentialForTrust:challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust] forAuthenticationChallenge:challenge];

        [operation setAuthenticationAgainstProtectionSpaceBlock:^BOOL(NSURLConnection *connection, NSURLProtectionSpace *protectionSpace) {
            return YES;

which effectively is the same as defining _AFNETWORKING_ALLOW_INVALID_SSL_CERTIFICATES_, but we needed to do this at run-time. This works perfectly on Xcode, ignores the invalid certificate, and all our functional tests pass. The problem comes when we run them from the command line using xcodebuild. As soon as it's going to run the first test, it crashes:

Run test case <testMethodName> Test Case '-[<TestCaseClass> <testMethodName>]' started. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include: line 415: 47744 Bus error: 10 "${THIN_TEST_RIG}" "${OTHER_TEST_FLAGS}" "${TEST_BUNDLE_PATH}" /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:451: error: Test rig '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/Developer/usr/bin/otest' exited abnormally with code 138 (it may have crashed).

If we get rid of that code, and don't ignore the SSL certificate being invalid, tests don't pass, because the connection fails, but nothing crashes.

This is the crash log in Console:

Process:         otest [35957]
Path:            /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/Developer/usr/bin/otest
Identifier:      otest
Version:         ??? (???)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  bash [35952]

Date/Time:       2012-05-29 15:46:37.398 -0700
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.4 (11E53)
Report Version:  9

Crashed Thread:  7  com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0000000000000000

VM Regions Near 0:
--> __PAGEZERO             0000000000000000-0000000000001000 [    4K] ---/--- SM=NUL  /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/Developer/usr/bin/otest
    __TEXT                 0000000000001000-0000000000003000 [    8K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/Developer/usr/bin/otest

Thread 0:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x98908c22 mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x989081f6 mach_msg + 70
2   CoreFoundation                  0x0045e10a __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 186
3   CoreFoundation                  0x003c1550 __CFRunLoopRun + 1312
4   CoreFoundation                  0x003c0d84 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 212
5   CoreFoundation                  0x003c0c9b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
6   Foundation                      0x0004e40f -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 300
7   Foundation                      0x000899e8 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runUntilDate:] + 73
8   Functional Tests                0x052f37d5 -[<TestCaseClass> <TestMethodName>] + 1253 (<TestCaseClass>.m:564)
9   CoreFoundation                  0x003f04ed __invoking___ + 29
10  CoreFoundation                  0x003f0407 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 167
11  SenTestingKit                   0x201039c4 -[SenTestCase invokeTest] + 184
12  SenTestingKit                   0x20103868 -[SenTestCase performTest:] + 183
13  SenTestingKit                   0x201034a9 -[SenTest run] + 82
14  SenTestingKit                   0x20106db2 -[SenTestSuite performTest:] + 106
15  SenTestingKit                   0x201034a9 -[SenTest run] + 82
16  SenTestingKit                   0x20106db2 -[SenTestSuite performTest:] + 106
17  SenTestingKit                   0x201034a9 -[SenTest run] + 82
18  SenTestingKit                   0x20105e97 +[SenTestProbe runTests:] + 174
19  CoreFoundation                  0x0048bd51 +[NSObject performSelector:withObject:] + 65
20  otest                           0x0000231c 0x1000 + 4892
21  otest                           0x000025be 0x1000 + 5566
22  otest                           0x00002203 0x1000 + 4611
23  otest                           0x00001f8d 0x1000 + 3981
24  otest                           0x00001f31 0x1000 + 3889

Thread 1:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x9890b90a kevent + 10
1   libdispatch.dylib               0x01029372 _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 918
2   libdispatch.dylib               0x01027be1 _dispatch_mgr_thread + 53

Thread 2:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x9890b02e __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabcccf _pthread_wqthread + 773
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6fe start_wqthread + 30

Thread 3:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x9890b02e __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabcccf _pthread_wqthread + 773
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6fe start_wqthread + 30

Thread 4:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x9890b02e __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabcccf _pthread_wqthread + 773
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6fe start_wqthread + 30

Thread 5:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x9890b02e __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabcccf _pthread_wqthread + 773
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6fe start_wqthread + 30

Thread 6:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x98908c22 mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x989081f6 mach_msg + 70
2   CoreFoundation                  0x0045e10a __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 186
3   CoreFoundation                  0x003c15d5 __CFRunLoopRun + 1445
4   CoreFoundation                  0x003c0d84 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 212
5   CoreFoundation                  0x003c0c9b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
6   Foundation                      0x0004e40f -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 300
7   Foundation                      0x0004e2d3 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 76
8   Functional Tests                0x054fb7f5 +[AFURLConnectionOperation networkRequestThreadEntryPoint:] + 133 (AFURLConnectionOperation.m:146)
9   Foundation                      0x0001a4d6 -[NSThread main] + 76
10  Foundation                      0x0001a447 __NSThread__main__ + 1258
11  libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabaed9 _pthread_start + 335
12  libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6de thread_start + 34

Thread 7 Crashed:: com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader
0   CoreFoundation                  0x0039a811 CFArrayGetCount + 17
1   Security                        0x00dae356 SecTrustCopyExceptions + 35
2   CFNetwork                       0x00b31764 SocketStream::securityAcceptPeerTrust_NoLock(unsigned char) + 150
3   CFNetwork                       0x00b39fd4 SocketStream::setProperty(void const*, __CFString const*, void const*) + 2754
4   CFNetwork                       0x00b39508 virtual thunk to SocketStream::setProperty(void const*, __CFString const*, void const*) + 43
5   CFNetwork                       0x00b3abad ReadStreamCallbacks::_setProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*, void*) + 53
6   CoreFoundation                  0x00429b10 CFReadStreamSetProperty + 160
7   CFNetwork                       0x00b3ab60 HTTPReadFilter::streamSetProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*) + 266
8   CFNetwork                       0x00bd4345 non-virtual thunk to HTTPReadFilter::streamSetProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*) + 41
9   CFNetwork                       0x00b37308 CFNetworkReadStream::httpStreamSetProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*, void*) + 38
10  CoreFoundation                  0x00429b10 CFReadStreamSetProperty + 160
11  CFNetwork                       0x00b419f4 HTTPNetStreamInfo::streamSetProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*) + 404
12  CFNetwork                       0x00b41858 non-virtual thunk to HTTPNetStreamInfo::streamSetProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*) + 41
13  CFNetwork                       0x00b37308 CFNetworkReadStream::httpStreamSetProperty(__CFReadStream*, __CFString const*, void const*, void*) + 38
14  CoreFoundation                  0x00429b10 CFReadStreamSetProperty + 160
15  CFNetwork                       0x00be3e29 HTTPProtocol::useCredential(_CFURLCredential const*, _CFURLAuthChallenge*) + 125
16  CFNetwork                       0x00bfa98f URLConnectionLoader::loaderUseCredential(_CFURLCredential const*) + 117
17  CFNetwork                       0x00bfa47a URLConnectionLoader::LoaderConnectionEventQueue::processAllEventsAndConsumePayload(XConnectionEventInfo<XLoaderEvent, XLoaderEventParams>*, long) + 140
18  CFNetwork                       0x00b2273b URLConnectionLoader::processEvents() + 107
19  CFNetwork                       0x00bf7117 non-virtual thunk to URLConnectionInstanceData::multiplexerClientPerform() + 21
20  CFNetwork                       0x00b20fbf MultiplexerSource::perform() + 259
21  CoreFoundation                  0x0045e94f __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 15
22  CoreFoundation                  0x003c1b43 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 243
23  CoreFoundation                  0x003c1424 __CFRunLoopRun + 1012
24  CoreFoundation                  0x003c0d84 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 212
25  CoreFoundation                  0x003c0c9b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 123
26  Foundation                      0x00108e30 +[NSURLConnection(Loader) _resourceLoadLoop:] + 398
27  Foundation                      0x0001a4d6 -[NSThread main] + 76
28  Foundation                      0x0001a447 __NSThread__main__ + 1258
29  libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabaed9 _pthread_start + 335
30  libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6de thread_start + 34

Thread 8:: com.apple.CFSocket.private
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib          0x9890ab42 __select + 10
1   CoreFoundation                  0x003f27cb __CFSocketManager + 939
2   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabaed9 _pthread_start + 335
3   libsystem_c.dylib               0x9aabe6de thread_start + 34

Thread 7 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
  eax: 0x00000000  ebx: 0x00000002  ecx: 0x0d651da4  edx: 0x05012980
  edi: 0x0039a80d  esi: 0x00000000  ebp: 0xb038bbb8  esp: 0xb038bba0
   ss: 0x00000023  efl: 0x00010286  eip: 0x0039a811   cs: 0x0000001b
   ds: 0x00000023   es: 0x00000023   fs: 0x00000023   gs: 0x0000000f
  cr2: 0x00000000
Logical CPU: 4

Binary Images:

Googling for that crash doesn't show anything similar. It crashes inside CFNetwork with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS, and I can't see any memory management issue in AFNetworking or in my code that could be causing this. Also this doesn't happen the 100% of the times (I'd say around the 80%), so I can't help to think there's some kind of race condition. Perhaps we're doing something with a non thread-safe object in the wrong thread? Again, haven't seen anything in particular in this regard.

Using Xcode 4.3.2 on Mac OSX 10.7.4

like image 838
Javier Soto Avatar asked May 29 '12 23:05

Javier Soto

1 Answers

As I said on github, I also got this crash (same stackstrace), but it doesn't crash when an iOS Simulator is started...

Edit : found a solution (not very convenient, but continuous integration came back :-)

@interface NSURLRequest()

+ (void)setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate:(BOOL)b forHost:(NSString *)host;


@implementation SomeTests

- (void)setUp
    [NSURLRequest setAllowsAnyHTTPSCertificate:YES forHost:@"domain.com"];
like image 116
ıɾuǝʞ Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
