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OSX - Publishing Unity Games

How do I push Unity Games for Mac OSX to the Mac Store? I can't seem to figure out and have looked every where. I know you have to modify the info.plist and package, but there is no definitive guide!

thanks NB

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Nil B Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 21:11

Nil B

People also ask

Can you develop Unity games on Mac?

Build your next game or real-time 3D Unity application with best-in-class debugging, C# support, and productivity tools included in Visual Studio for Mac.

1 Answers

Submit App to Mac Store:

  1. Build in Unity for Mac Intel Only

  2. Show Package Contents of the .app once Compiled from Unity

2.a. Edit Info.plist

<string>© 2012 Apollo Software Solutions. All rights reserved.</string>

2.b. Replace Resources/UnityPlayer.icns with one that is 1024x1024 (you may need icns editor/generator)

2.c. Change permissions on /Data for "everyone" from "no access" to be "Read only"

  1. In Terminal… (you may need entitlements, if so create entitlements xml file and add to codesign command).

    codesign -f -s "3rd Party Mac Developer Application: Amit Barman" GolfProHD.app

    productbuild --component GolfProHD.app /Applications --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Amit Barman" GolfProHD.pkg

Delete the .app file after productbuild has created the .pkg (or the installer test will not work).

sudo installer -store -pkg GolfProHD.pkg -target /

  1. Verify that your app is installed in Applications

  2. Ready to submit the .pkg to iTunes Connect!

like image 142
apollosoftware.org Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
