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Xcode Project Icon files and Organiser Archives artwork




I have all my icon files set up in my project and they are found alongside the .xcodeproj file on my Mac, and I have added them to the plist file as per the screenshot, when I build there are no warnings, but when I Archive, I get 4 warnings which I don't understand.

I found no documentation about the new "Icon file (iOS 5)" and if I should be mirroring the "Icon files" property, I tried with and without it and I still have these warnings. It's worrying because the warning explanation says it's unable to validate my application. I'm worrying about Apple submission.

If I remove this files from the plist then there is no warning, and testing on iPad and iPhone devices, the icons for settings and spotlight still work fine it seems, so these files are being used.

However the Apple docs do tell you to add references to these files in your plist.

Does the location of these files have any impact on if they're being used or not ? I would like to remove them from the root directory and into an "Artwork" directory but I can see that this now removes the preview from the Target summary.

Also in the Archive section of the Organiser I used to get the iTunesArtwork to appear - now my Icon.png is blown up and consequently very ugly. I wonder if this suggests I am doing something wrong ?

There is no clear guide to how I should treat these icons...

enter image description here

enter image description here


It seems like for these warnings to be avoided, you must have a folder named "Resources" in the root of your project. And import that folder into the Xcode, you still must declare in the plist, two times these icon files. I still don't know how to get my iTunesArtwork to be used in the Organizer's Archive view.

like image 971
Daniel Avatar asked Mar 19 '12 12:03


People also ask

Can I delete project Archives Xcode?

To delete these archive data in Xcode, select Window > Organizer > Archives from top menu. Then press delete to remove them. App archives can take up significant space if your app is large in size, a rough calculation would be taking your app size and multiply it by the number of time you have archived.

Where are Xcode Archives stored?

When Xcode finishes building, the Archives window will open with the result. Xcode created your archive. The actual . xcarchive folder resides on your Mac in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives.

How do I view Archives in Xcode?

Open the Archives folder in Finder: Library > Developer > Xcode > Archives.

How do I archive an Xcode project?

Navigate to your project's settings. Under iOS (or the target you want to build your app for) > Identity, you'll want to increment the Build number. For example, if the Build number was 1, you'll want to set it to 2. Then, in the top menu, under Product, click on Archive.

1 Answers

I was just able to figure out how to get both of these working correctly (icons without warnings and iTunesArtwork in the organizer window).

For all the icons, Xcode seems to prefer them at the root directory of the project. Then I add the icon files (iOS 5) entry:

icon Files iOS5

Then I add the icon files entry with just the iTunesArtwork files (also located in the root of the project, no extension on these)

icon Files

I don't think this part matters, but I did move them to the 'Supporting Files' group in Xcode:

Supporting Files

like image 61
Bob Spryn Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Bob Spryn