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OSGi: What are the differences between Apache Felix and Apache Karaf?

People also ask

Is Karaf a OSGi?

Karaf is not an OSGi framework. It's a OSGi runtime environment.

Why is Apache called Karaf?

Apache Karaf is a modern polymorphic application container. Karaf can be used as a standalone container, supporting a wide range of applications and technologies. It also supports the "run anywhere" concept (on any machine with Java, cloud, docker images, … ​) using the embedded mode.

What is the use of Apache Felix?

Apache Felix provides a foundation for creating modular and dynamically extensible applications. This page presents an example application to demonstrate the various approaches to consider when creating a OSGi/Felix-based application.

How do you deploy bundles in Karaf?

To add it to the deploy directory run mvn clean package from the root folder of your project (Where the pom. xml resides). This will generate a jar file in the target folder. Drag and drop it to the deploy from there.

The 'lightweight OSGi container' label is contrasting Karaf with more feature rich OSGi containers, not with Felix.

To quote Guillaume Nodet (Karaf's author) from here:

Felix is just the OSGi core runtime. Karaf provides a "distribution" based on Felix by adding other features such as a console, an SSH remoting mechanism, a file deployer and more.

In this diagram of the Karaf architecture, Felix (or other OSGi implementation - currently Equinox is also supported) is the OSGi box, the other boxes are the features added by Karaf:

Karaf Architecture Therefore, unless you have specific needs which are not met by Karaf (requiring access to the underlying implementation) it usually makes sense to use this since it provides more 'out of the box'.

@Marcel Karaf isn't monolithic or huge like a Java EE server. It is a very slim and minimalist implementation. It is a core product without much functionality other than a basic console, file loading so that you can actually read configuration files, etc. The latest zip file of it is 19.1 MB. Yeah. Small. It can easily run on small devices and work in embedded.

What you may be thinking of is something more like ServiceMix which uses Karaf as a core/kernel. But it includes CXF, ActiveMQ, Camel and other libraries in its full configuration. Even then they have minimal, medium and full sizes.

Really, for 99% of the projects out there it wouldn't make sense to start directly with Felix and not use Karaf instead.