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org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: Feature 'http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/feature/secure-processing' is not recognized






Hi in our project we are using XJC ant task for xsd2schema generation after that we are compiling the src files and grouping them into a schema jar. the classpath we have for that is:

jaxb-ri-2.2.6 - jaxb-impl.jar,jaxb-api.jar,jaxb-xjc.jar

This ant task is working fine in eclipse and jar got created , but it is throwing errors in unix environment.

The Error is:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException: Feature 'http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/feature/secure-processing' is not recognized.

That error gone , when we added "xercesImpl-2.9.1.jar" to unix build classpath, but the jar generated was different from the jar that generated using eclipse.

eclipse build jar- it has only few classes unix build jar- it has impl folder and so many classes

In both the cases the jaxb jars were the same. Please help me with this issue....Please...................

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user3083275 Avatar asked Dec 09 '13 14:12


3 Answers

Upgrade or add your xercesImpl jar file located in jre/lib/endorsed folder to xercesImpl 2.9.1. You can simply download it and replace it. It must work.

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Biswas Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10


If you have Maven, add this to pom.xml

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otterslide Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10


You need jdk 7. JDK 8 have this issue with maven tests.

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Naveen Kumar Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10

Naveen Kumar