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org-mode dates in other Emacs modes




I would like to insert dates in an emacs buffer like I do in org-mode (C-c .), while in a mode other than org. Is there a minor mode for this? Calendar does not do what I need, since I can "+1" a day, for instance. Thanks.

like image 889
Dervin Thunk Avatar asked Apr 06 '10 18:04

Dervin Thunk

1 Answers

There isn't a minor mode, but you can do this:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c .") 'org-time-stamp)

Or define the key in whatever mode/keymap you want. Note, this keybinding might conflict with key bindings in other modes. Key bindings reserved for users are C-c x (where x is any lower or upper case letter).

like image 73
Trey Jackson Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 08:11

Trey Jackson