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Emacs, Evil-Mode: Replace only in visual selection/visual block?

By default, :s/[search-term]/[replace-term] works on whole lines rather than on visual selections. For example, if you select between c and e, as such:

a b |c d e| f g

and do :s/ //g, the result is:


rather than

a b cde f g

Similarly, in a visual block selection:

a b |c d e| f g
0 1 |2 3 4| 5 6

:s/ //g yields


rather than

a b cde f g
0 1 234 5 6

Does anyone have a way to make evil-mode's :s/ work only on the selection (preferably by default, or alternatively with a keyword like vim's \%V)?

(:s/\%V //g does not seem to work in this case; it leads to 0 matches.)

Thanks beforehand.

like image 810
spacingissue Avatar asked Nov 25 '14 11:11


1 Answers

You can do the replacement in a visual selection by specifying the range. '<,'> works on the first line to the last line of the selection, and `<,`> works on the first character to the last character. So in your first example of

a b |c d e| f g`, 

using :`<,`>s/ //g will give you

a b cde f g

Unfortunately, Evil doesn't seem to currently support replacement in a Visual Block, so there's no easy way to do that replacement.

like image 157
resueman Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 22:10
