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Order of variable names pivot_wider





How can you change the order of the variable names in pivot_wider to have he names_from before the values_from?

Using the us_rent_income dataset:

df <- us_rent_income %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = NAME,
              values_from = c(estimate, moe))

This gives results like 'estimate_Alabama', how do we change the order of the variable so it is 'Alabama_estimate'?

like image 835
Scott Avatar asked Oct 01 '19 09:10


People also ask

What does Pivot_wider do in R?

pivot_wider() "widens" data, increasing the number of columns and decreasing the number of rows.

What package is Pivot_wider in?

The pivot_wider() function from the tidyr package in R can be used to pivot a data frame from a long format to a wide format.

Is Tidyr in Tidyverse?

Similarly to readr , dplyr and tidyr are also part of the tidyverse. These packages were loaded in R's memory when we called library(tidyverse) earlier.

How to specify both columns in pivot_wider ()?

We can specify both columns to pivot_wider () ’s values_from argument. pivot_wider () pivots variable, then creates columns by combining the value of measure with each column name specified in values_from.

Why does my pivot_wider () give the wrong column order?

(Here, the grouping variables are numbers, but they are typically factors, sometimes characters.) A plain pivot_wider () gives the wrong column order: Sorting the tibble by the column variable gives the wrong row order: Subsorting by the original row variable still gives the wrong row order.

What is the difference between order () and pivot_wider ()?

And for other type of variables (numeric, factors, dates, date-times, …), the order () gives the natural ordering. I have now used pivot_wider () quite a few times (mostly with factor or numeric variables), and the ‘new’ default of arranging the columns by the row the values first appear in in the data frame have never been the desired order.

How to pivot a data frame into a wide format?

We can use the pivot_wider () function to pivot this data frame into a wide format: Notice that the values from the stat column are now used as column names and the values from the amount column are used as cell values in these new columns.

1 Answers

Edit: As of tidyr 1.1.0 the order of the variable names can be controlled with the names_glue argument:

us_rent_income %>%
    names_from = NAME,
    values_from = c(estimate, moe),
    names_glue = "{NAME}_{.value}"

Old answer:

The documentation for pivot_wider() states "If values_from contains multiple values, the value will be added to the front of the output column" so there doesn't seem to be any way to control this as part of the reshape. Instead, it has to be done afterwards.

Assuming there are no other variable names in the dataset that contain _ (if so, the separator can be changed to something unique using the names_sep argument), one approach would be:

df <- us_rent_income %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = NAME,
              values_from = c(estimate, moe)) %>%
  setNames(nm = sub("(.*)_(.*)", "\\2_\\1", names(.)))


[1] "GEOID"  "variable"  "Alabama_estimate"  "Alaska_estimate"  "Arizona_estimate"  "Arkansas_estimate"
like image 157
Ritchie Sacramento Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 06:10

Ritchie Sacramento