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Order of Events - MSBuild and Task Runner Bindings (Gulp)

I am using a TFS build project to build a Visual Studio 2015 project that contains a gulpfile for compiling SASS among other things. I am trying to understand the sequence of events using MSBuild Tasks and Task Runner bindings. It appears that MSBuild knows enough to detect and run my default gulp task BeforeBuild:

/// <binding BeforeBuild='default' />
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
var importer = require('sass-importer-npm');

gulp.task('sass', function () {
  return gulp.src([
    .pipe(sass({ importer: importer }).on('error', sass.logError))

I am to using an MSBuild target to run after the BeforeBuild target so that I can include the generated files in the project for publishing:

<Target Name="CopyGulpFiles" AfterTargets="BeforeBuild">

Here is my MSBuild call in my build .proj file with the relevant info:

    <ProjectsToBuild Include="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\MyProject.sln">

<MSBuild Projects="@(ProjectsToBuild)" Properties="Configuration=Dev"/>

These two things seem to run in the right order everytime I run them. This raises some questions though:

  • Would the 'BeforeBuild' binding for Task Runner get executed before the 'BeforeBuild' target in MSBuild?
  • Are the order of bindings/targets deterministic here?
  • Does using the AfterTargets property ensure that this is run after the whole 'BeforeBuild' stage (targets and bindings) are completed?
  • How does MSBuild know how to use my Gulp file? I assume it has to be the same mechanism as visual studio uses.
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ChoptimusPrime Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 17:07


1 Answers

I ran into the issue where everything worked locally when building with the Task Runner, but Gulp was never called by MSBuild.

I ended up with the following solution, which extends the Compile task with our custom target GulpBuild. In this snippet build is the name of my Gulp task.

<Target Name="GulpBuild">
    <Exec Command="npm install" />
    <Exec Command="gulp build" />

Steve Cadwallader's post was very helpful in solving this issue.

  • The BeforeBuild target should always run before BeforeBuild in MSBuild. The Task Runner is specific to Visual Studio, so this will only happen when building in Visual Studio.
  • This will help with your questions about ordering.
like image 165
agressen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
