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Operation to "Get and AND" boolean variable in Java


Is it possible in Java to use syntax like (i++, ++i) for boolean logic operators?

I have a boolean variable that is true only for the first iteration of a foreach loop. That iteration has to be skipeed.

Full syntax is

for (...)
    if (bool)
        bool &= false;

I wonder if there is any way to shorten the syntax without using AtomicBoolean. For example construct if (bool &= false) is syntactically correct but I think it will compare the final result and not the original value.

Google is not my friend because the search query is misleading

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usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝ Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 10:07


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The compare() method of Boolean class is a built in method in Java which is used to compare two boolean values. It is a static method, so it can be called without creating any object of the Boolean class i.e. directly using the class name.

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1 Answers

Personally I would simplify your current code to:

for (...)
    if (bool)
        bool = false;
    // Rest of code

... but if you really want to do it in the if condition as a side-effect, you could use:

for (...)
    if (bool && !(bool = false))
    // Rest of code

Here the first operand of the && operator covers subsequent operations, and !(bool = false) will always evaluate to true and set bool to false.

Another option, from comments:

for (...)
    if (bool | (bool = false))
    // Rest of code

This performs the assignment on each iteration, but it still gives the right result each time.

I really, really wouldn't use either of these last two options though.

like image 73
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Jon Skeet