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Copying a file using 2 disks with Laravel


I have 2 disks in Laravel.

One is the local disk, the other one is a FTP server which I need to upload my files to. They are both correctly configured.

I have attempted it this way:

 Storage::disk('FTP')->copy('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');

This would only copy the file if it is already in the FTP server. I have also read the documentation and there seems to be no way to combine both in order to upload files.

Any suggestions?

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prgrm Avatar asked Nov 30 '17 20:11


1 Answers

@ceejayoz has a good answer, but as mentioned in the comments, this fetches, and then writes.

In order to use streams, the following can be used instead:

Storage::disk('FTP')->writeStream('new/file1.jpg', Storage::readStream('old/file1.jpg'));
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Dan Jones Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 01:09

Dan Jones