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OpenGL bool uniform?

I'm trying to send a boolean to an OpenGL glsl shader.

Currently I have this in the shader:

uniform bool foo; 

And I use this to set it:

glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(shader, "foo"), true); 

There doesn't seem to be a glUniform1b, so I'm setting it as an integer. This seems to work fine.

Is there any problem with this approach? Is it portable, or could it break on other graphics cards / drivers? I'm using OpenGL 4.3 at the moment.

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Jan Rüegg Avatar asked Nov 13 '15 10:11

Jan Rüegg

People also ask

How do you use uniforms in OpenGL?

Uniforms are intended to be set by the user from OpenGL, rather than within the shader. However, you can initialize them to a default value using standard GLSL initalizer syntax: uniform vec3 initialUniform = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); This will cause the uniform to have this vector as its value, until the user changes it.

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vec4 is a floating point vector with four components. It can be initialized by: Providing a scalar value for each component. Providing one scalar value. This value is used for all components.

1 Answers

§ 4.1 Basic Types The OpenGL Shading Language supports the following basic data types, grouped as follows:

  • bool a conditional type, taking on values of true or false
  • bvec2 a two-component Boolean vector
  • bvec3 a three-component Boolean vector
  • bvec4 a four-component Boolean vector


§ 4.1.2 Booleans To make conditional execution of code easier to express, the type bool is supported. There is no expectation that hardware directly supports variables of this type. (...)

As for setting:

§ 2.2.1 (...) When state values are specified using a different parameter type than the actual type of that state, data conversions are performed as follows:

  • When the type of internal state is boolean, zero integer or floating-point values are converted to FALSE and non-zero values are converted to TRUE.
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Bartek Banachewicz Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Bartek Banachewicz