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Open new tabs to the right in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2

I have to use Sql Server Management Studio 2008 R2. When I open a new-query tab it opens to the LEFT of the other tabs and pushes all open tabs to the right (thus changing their position every time I open a new tab). This is extremely frustrating, I don't really understand this design choice.

How can I make SSMS 2008 R2 tabs behave "normally" (open new tabs to the right, so existing tabs stay stationary)?

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George B Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 20:03

George B

2 Answers

Lemurr has answered it, but just so that any one using SSMS 2016 (April Preview) can find it. Microsoft has now moved this from

Tools > Options > Environment > Documents > Insert documents to the right of existing tabs


Tools > Options > Environment > Tabs and Windows > Insert new tabs to the right of existing tabs.

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HappyTown Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09


For SSMS 18, its under Environment > Tabs And Windows.

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Alexander Kooij Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Alexander Kooij