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Open a file in the proper encoding automatically [duplicate]



I'm dealing with some problems in a few files about the encoding. We receive files from other company and have to read them (the files are in csv format)

Strangely, the files appear to be encoded in UTF-16. I am managing to do that, but I have to open them using the codecs module and specifying the encoding, this way.

ENCODING = 'utf-16'
with codecs.open(test_file, encoding=ENCODING) as csv_file:
    # Autodetect dialect
    dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(descriptor.read(1024))
    input_file = csv.reader(descriptor, dialect=dialect)

    for line in input_file:

But, just like I am able to get the dialect in a more agnostic way, I 'm thinking it will be great to have a way of opening automatically the files with its proper encoding, at least all the text files. There are other programs, like vim that achieve that.

Anyone knows a way of doing that in python 2.6?

PD: I hope that this will be solved in Python 3, as all the strings are Unicode...

like image 642
Khelben Avatar asked Feb 26 '10 14:02


People also ask

How do I open a file with encoding?

To open an encoded file that is not part of a projectOn the File menu, point to Open, choose File or File From Web, and then select the file to open.

2 Answers

chardet can help you.

Character encoding auto-detection in Python 2 and 3. As smart as your browser. Open source.

like image 129
Desintegr Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10


It won't be "fixed" in python 3, as it's not a fixable problem. Many documents are valid in several encodings, so the only way to determine the proper encoding is to know something about the document. Fortunately, in most cases we do know something about the document, like for instance, most characters will come clustered into distinct unicode blocks. A document in english will mostly contain characters within the first 128 codepoints. A document in russian will contain mostly cyrillic codepoints. Most document will contain spaces and newlines. These clues can be used to help you make educated guesses about what encodings are being used. Better yet, use a library written by someone who's already done the work. (Like chardet, mentioned in another answer by Desintegr.

like image 43
jcdyer Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 23:10
