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Oozie stuck in PREP state

I have a problem with running oozie coordinator jobs. Below is my job properties and xml file codes. While submitting the job there was no errors, but the job is always in 'PREP' state. I have to manually kill the job after some extent of waiting. When executing the workflow job separately, it was completed successfully.

Can you please let me know what could be wrong in my co-ord job?

Here is my coordinator.xml


Here is my coordinatorjob.properties




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Kalai Avatar asked Feb 25 '14 06:02


1 Answers

Coordinator is in status PREP when it's start time is in the future. Start time in your config is 2014-02-25 11:31 UTC, so if you submitted in at the time of posting the question (2014-02-25 06:45 UTC) it still had about 5 hours to wait in PREP status before creating the first materialization and switching to RUNNING. See documentation about status transitions.

like image 175
Dmitry Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09
