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Only overload operator if template argument does

Given a template class A with a single template argument T, is it possible to only overload operators in A which are available for type T? For example:

template <typename T>
class A
    #if hasOperator(T, +=)
    T& operator +=(const T &rhs)
        mValue += rhs;
        return mValue;

    T mValue;

int main()
    A<int> a;
    a += 8; //+= will forward to the += for the int

    struct Test {  /*no operators defined*/ };
    A<Test> b; //+= is not implemented since Test does not implement +=

I'm writting a generic wrapper class that needs to behave exactly like the template type. So if T has operator +=, A will (at compile time) overload += accordingly. Yes, I could go ahead and just implement every operator in A, but then the compiler will error when T doesn't have a certain operator. At first I though template specialization might be the answer, but that would require a specialization for every type. While this could work and be a lot of typing, it wont because A needs to work with any type (not just what is specialized).

like image 773
Dan Watkins Avatar asked Apr 24 '15 19:04

Dan Watkins

1 Answers

Use expression SFINAE to drop your operator+ from the overload resolution set unless T defines operator+

template <typename T>
class A
    T mValue;
    template<typename U=T>
    auto operator +=(const U &rhs)
        -> decltype(mValue += rhs)
        mValue += rhs;
        return mValue;

Live demo

like image 106
Praetorian Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 01:10
