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onclick() and onblur() ordering issue

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Does onBlur fires before onClick?

If you try to click the button while you are writing, it won't display the 'Click' alert, as onBlur prevents onClick to execute. A solution could be to use onMouseDown instead of onClick . That works because the onMouseDown event has a higher priority than the onBlur event.

Why is onBlur not fired?

If the element that has the onBlur effect and tabindex is created onClick of another element, it does not automatically gets focus when it appears. Thus, you may need to focus it using element. focus() after creating the element.

What is the difference between onClick and onMouseDown?

You would use onMouseDown if you want to preventDefault as soon as the user clicks on a button. This is preferred in a texteditor where you want to keep the focus on the input while clicking on buttons that change the styles of the text.

Does tab trigger onBlur?

In browsers, pressing the tab key when a control has focus will move it to the next element in the tab order, causing the current element to lose focus and dispatch a blur event.

I was having the exact same issue as you, my UI is designed exactly as you describe. I solved the problem by simply replacing the onClick for the menu items with an onMouseDown. I did nothing else; no onMouseUp, no flags. This resolved the problem by letting the browser automatically re-order based on the priority of these event handlers, without any additional work from me.

Is there any reason why this wouldn't have also worked for you?

onClick should not be replaced with onMouseDown.

While this approach somewhat works, the two are fundamentally different events that have different expectations in the eyes of the user. Using onMouseDown instead of onClick will ruin the predictability of your software in this case. Thus, the two events are noninterchangeable.

To illustrate: when accidentally clicking on a button, users expect to be able to hold down the mouse click, drag the cursor outside of the element, and release the mouse button, ultimately resulting in no action. onClick does this. onMouseDown doesn't allow the user to hold the mouse down, and instead will immediately trigger an action, without any recourse for the user. onClick is the standard by which we expect to trigger actions on a computer.

In this situation, call event.preventDefault() on the onMouseDown event. onMouseDown will cause a blur event by default, and will not do so when preventDefault is called. Then, onClick will have a chance to be called. A blur event will still happen, only after onClick.

After all, the onClick event is a combination of onMouseDown and onMouseUp, if and only if they both occur within the same element.

Replace on onmousedown with onfocus. So this event will be triggered when the focus is inside the textbox.

Replace on onmouseup with onblur. The moment you take out your focus out of textbox, onblur will execute.

I guess this is what you might need.


when you execute your function onfocus-->remove the classes that you will apply in onblur and add the classes that you want to be executed onfocus


when you execute your function onblur-->remove the classes that you will apply in onfocus and add the classes that you want to be executed onblur

I don't see any need of flag variables.


You can use the events onmouseout and onmouseover

onmouseover-Detects when the cursor is over it.

onmouseout-Detects when the cursor leaves.