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jQuery get values of checked checkboxes into array

People also ask

How do you store a selected checkbox value in an array?

Inside the GetSelected function, first the HTML Table is referenced and then all the CheckBoxes inside it are referenced. Then a loop is executed over the referenced CheckBoxes and inside the loop the value of the selected (checked) CheckBox is inserted into an Array.

How can I get multiple checkbox values in jQuery?

Using jQuery, we first set an onclick event on the button after the document is loaded. In the onclick event, we created a function in which we first declared an array named arr. After that, we used a query selector to select all the selected checkboxes. Finally, we print all the vales in an alert box.

How can we get the value of selected checkboxes in a group using jQuery?

If you want to get checked checkboxes from a particular checkbox group, depending on your choice which button you have clicked, you can use $('input[name=”hobbies”]:checked') or $('input[name=”country”]:checked'). This will sure that the checked checkboxes from only the hobbies or country checkbox group are selected.

How do I make an array of checkboxes in HTML?

To link several checkboxes together to make them into an array in the PHP $_POST array you need to make all of the checkboxes have the same name, and each name must end in "[]". When both of the checkboxes are filled and the form is submitted this produces the following array.

Call .get() at the very end to turn the resulting jQuery object into a true array.

    var searchIDs = $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){
      return $(this).val();
    }).get(); // <----

Per the documentation:

As the return value is a jQuery object, which contains an array, it's very common to call .get() on the result to work with a basic array.

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/PBhHK/


    var searchIDs = $('input:checked').map(function(){

      return $(this).val();



Just call get() and you'll have your array as it is written in the specs: http://api.jquery.com/map/

$(':checkbox').map(function() {
      return this.id;

You need to add .toArray() to the end of your .map() function

    var searchIDs = $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){
        return $(this).val();

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/sZQtL/

I refactored your code a bit and believe I came with the solution for which you were looking. Basically instead of setting searchIDs to be the result of the .map() I just pushed the values into an array.


  var searchIDs = [];

  $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){


I created a fiddle with the code running.

     var ids = [];

$('input[id="find-table"]:checked').each(function() {

This one worked for me!

var idsArr = [];

$('#tableID').find('input[type=checkbox]:checked').each(function() {
    idsArr .push(this.value);
