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JavaScript, get date of the next day [duplicate]

People also ask

How do I get next day in JavaScript?

getDate() + 1 , you'll set the day as “tomorrow”. If the day is 31 (in months with 31 days) and using setDate() you add 1 to the current one, the date will change month and the day will be the first of the new month. Or year, if it's 31 December. tomorrow is now a Date object representing tomorrow's date.

How do you know if two dates are the same day?

To check if two dates are the same day, call the toDateString() method on both Date() objects and compare the results. If the output from calling the method is the same, the dates are the same day.

How can I get tomorrow date in moment?

to create the tomorrow variable that's set to a moment object with today's date. Then we call add with -1 and 'days' to subtract one day to today. And then we call format with 'YYYY-MM-DD' to format the date to YYYY-MM-DD format.

You can use:

var tomorrow = new Date();

For example, since there are 30 days in April, the following code will output May 1:

var day = new Date('Apr 30, 2000');
console.log(day); // Apr 30 2000

var nextDay = new Date(day);
nextDay.setDate(day.getDate() + 1);
console.log(nextDay); // May 01 2000    

See fiddle.

Copy-pasted from here: Incrementing a date in JavaScript

Three options for you:

Using just JavaScript's Date object (no libraries):

var today = new Date();
var tomorrow = new Date(today.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

Or if you don't mind changing the date in place (rather than creating a new date):

var dt = new Date();
dt.setTime(dt.getTime() + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

Edit: See also Jigar's answer and David's comment below: var tomorrow = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);

Using MomentJS:

var today = moment();
var tomorrow = moment(today).add(1, 'days');

(Beware that add modifies the instance you call it on, rather than returning a new instance, so today.add(1, 'days') would modify today. That's why we start with a cloning op on var tomorrow = ....)

Using DateJS, but it hasn't been updated in a long time:

var today = new Date(); // Or Date.today()
var tomorrow = today.add(1).day();

Using Date object guarantees that. For eg if you try to create April 31st :

new Date(2014,3,31)        // Thu May 01 2014 00:00:00

Please note that it's zero indexed, so Jan. is 0, Feb. is 1 etc.