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Mismatched anonymous define() module

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How do you fix mismatched anonymous definition module?

To fix the problem, you must update your JavaScript define methods within RequireJS, according to following documentation: https://requirejs.org/docs/api.html#define. For more in-depth description of how to avoid this and other RequireJS errors, see http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#mismatch .

How do you use define in JS?

The define() function can be used to load the modules (module can be an object, function, class or a code which is executed after loading a module). You can load different versions of the same module in the same page.

What is Shim RequireJS?

As per RequireJS API documentation, shim lets you. Configure the dependencies, exports, and custom initialization for older, traditional "browser globals" scripts that do not use define() to declare the dependencies and set a module value.

How Include require JS?

To include the Require. js file, you need to add the script tag in the html file. Within the script tag, add the data-main attribute to load the module. This can be taken as the main entry point to your application.

Like AlienWebguy said, per the docs, require.js can blow up if

  • You have an anonymous define ("modules that call define() with no string ID") in its own script tag (I assume actually they mean anywhere in global scope)
  • You have modules that have conflicting names
  • You use loader plugins or anonymous modules but don't use require.js's optimizer to bundle them

I had this problem while including bundles built with browserify alongside require.js modules. The solution was to either:

A. load the non-require.js standalone bundles in script tags before require.js is loaded, or

B. load them using require.js (instead of a script tag)

In getting started with require.js I ran into the issue and as a beginner the docs may as well been written in greek.

The issue I ran into was that most of the beginner examples use "anonymous defines" when you should be using a "string id".

anonymous defines

define(function() {
        return { helloWorld: function() { console.log('hello world!') } };
define(function() {
        return { helloWorld2: function() { console.log('hello world again!') } };

define with string id

define('moduleOne',function() {
    return { helloWorld: function() { console.log('hello world!') } };

 define('moduleTwo', function() {
      return { helloWorld2: function() { console.log('hello world again!') } };

When you use define with a string id then you will avoid this error when you try to use the modules like so:

require([ "moduleOne", "moduleTwo" ], function(moduleOne, moduleTwo) {

I had this error because I included the requirejs file along with other librairies included directly in a script tag. Those librairies (like lodash) used a define function that was conflicting with require's define. The requirejs file was loading asynchronously so I suspect that the require's define was defined after the other libraries define, hence the conflict.

To get rid of the error, include all your other js files by using requirejs.

Per the docs:

If you manually code a script tag in HTML to load a script with an anonymous define() call, this error can occur.

Also seen if you manually code a script tag in HTML to load a script that has a few named modules, but then try to load an anonymous module that ends up having the same name as one of the named modules in the script loaded by the manually coded script tag.

Finally, if you use the loader plugins or anonymous modules (modules that call define() with no string ID) but do not use the RequireJS optimizer to combine files together, this error can occur. The optimizer knows how to name anonymous modules correctly so that they can be combined with other modules in an optimized file.

To avoid the error:

  • Be sure to load all scripts that call define() via the RequireJS API. Do not manually code script tags in HTML to load scripts that have define() calls in them.

  • If you manually code an HTML script tag, be sure it only includes named modules, and that an anonymous module that will have the same name as one of the modules in that file is not loaded.

  • If the problem is the use of loader plugins or anonymous modules but the RequireJS optimizer is not used for file bundling, use the RequireJS optimizer.