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How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

People also ask

Which option will retrieve the query string from the URL?

To retrieve the query string value, use Request object's QueryString property.

How can I tell if a URL has a query string?

To check if a url has query parameters, call the includes() method on the string, passing it a question mark as a parameter, e.g. str. includes('? ') . If the url contains query parameters, the includes method will return true , otherwise false is returned.

What is query string in JavaScript?

A query string is part of the full query, or URL, which allows us to send information using parameters as key-value pairs.

Have a look at the MDN article about window.location.

The QueryString is available in window.location.search.

If you want a more convenient interface to work with, you can use the searchParams property of the URL interface, which returns a URLSearchParams object. The returned object has a number of convenient methods, including a get-method. So the equivalent of the above example would be:

let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams;
let name = params.get("name");

The URLSearchParams interface can also be used to parse strings in a querystring format, and turn them into a handy URLSearchParams object.

let paramsString = "name=foo&age=1337"
let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(paramsString);

searchParams.has("name") === true; // true
searchParams.get("age") === "1337"; // true

The URLSearchParams interface is now widely adopted in browsers (95%+ according to Can I Use), but if you do need to support legacy browsers as well, you can use a polyfill.

Use window.location.search to get everything after ? including ?


var url = window.location.search;
url = url.replace("?", ''); // remove the ?
alert(url); //alerts ProjectID=462 is your case

  .replace('?', '')
  .map(param => param.split('='))
  .reduce((values, [ key, value ]) => {
    values[ key ] = value
    return values
  }, {})

If you happened to use Typescript and have dom in your the lib of tsconfig.json, you can do:

const url: URL = new URL(window.location.href);
const params: URLSearchParams = url.searchParams;
// get target key/value from URLSearchParams object
const yourParamValue: string = params.get('yourParamKey');

// To append, you can also leverage api to avoid the `?` check 
params.append('newKey', 'newValue');

This will add a global function to access to the queryString variables as a map.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add function for 'window.location.query( [queryString] )' which returns an object
// of querystring keys and their values. An optional string parameter can be used as
// an alternative to 'window.location.search'.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add function for 'window.location.query.makeString( object, [addQuestionMark] )'
// which returns a queryString from an object. An optional boolean parameter can be
// used to toggle a leading question mark.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!window.location.query) {
    window.location.query = function (source) {
        var map = {};
        source = source || this.search;

        if ("" != source) {
            var groups = source, i;

            if (groups.indexOf("?") == 0) {
                groups = groups.substr(1);

            groups = groups.split("&");

            for (i in groups) {
                source = groups[i].split("=",
                    // For: xxx=, Prevents: [xxx, ""], Forces: [xxx]
                    (groups[i].slice(-1) !== "=") + 1

                // Key
                i = decodeURIComponent(source[0]);

                // Value
                source = source[1];
                source = typeof source === "undefined"
                    ? source
                    : decodeURIComponent(source);

                // Save Duplicate Key
                if (i in map) {
                    if (Object.prototype.toString.call(map[i]) !== "[object Array]") {
                        map[i] = [map[i]];


                // Save New Key
                else {
                    map[i] = source;

        return map;

    window.location.query.makeString = function (source, addQuestionMark) {
        var str = "", i, ii, key;

        if (typeof source == "boolean") {
            addQuestionMark = source;
            source = undefined;

        if (source == undefined) {
            str = window.location.search;
        else {
            for (i in source) {
                key = "&" + encodeURIComponent(i);

                if (Object.prototype.toString.call(source[i]) !== "[object Array]") {
                    str += key + addUndefindedValue(source[i]);
                else {
                    for (ii = 0; ii < source[i].length; ii++) {
                        str += key + addUndefindedValue(source[i][ii]);

        return (addQuestionMark === false ? "" : "?") + str.substr(1);

    function addUndefindedValue(source) {
        return typeof source === "undefined"
            ? ""
            : "=" + encodeURIComponent(source);


You can use this for direct find value via params name.

const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const myParam = urlParams.get('myParam');