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How can I access a JavaScript object which has spaces in the object's key?

People also ask

Can JavaScript object keys have spaces?

We typically write JavaScript object properties using camelCase, without spaces, but you can use spaces in keys if you prefer. Just be sure to include quotation marks to specify the string you're using as the object key.

Can JSON object keys have spaces?

Whitespace (Space, Horizontal tab, Line feed or New line or Carriage return) does not matter in JSON. It can also be minified with no affect to the data. Object literal names MUST be lowercase (ie – null, false, true etc).

Can object property have space?

JavaScript object property names can be any string, including having spaces in the name. However, object property names that are not valid JavaScript identifiers, can only be: Specified using quotes, and; Accessed using the bracket property accessor notation.

Use ECMAscripts "bracket notation":

myTextOptions[ 'character names' ].kid;

You can use that notation either way, reading & writting.

For more information read out here:

  • https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_Objects

Properties of JavaScript objects can also be accessed or set using a bracket notation (for more details see property accessors). Objects are sometimes called associative arrays since each property is associated with a string value that can be used to access it. So, for example, you could access the properties of the myCar object as follows:

myCar['make'] = 'Ford';
myCar['model'] = 'Mustang';
myCar['year'] = 1969;

For more, read on at Working with JS Objects.

So in your case it's myTextOptions['character names'].kid;

We can also do this by -

myTextOptions[ 'character names' ]['kid'];

This is useful when we have consecutive keys which consist of space.

Let me share my solution here I am using VueJs with type script.

I got following json to parse and display in UI

    "Brand": "MAMA",
    "Variety": "Instant Noodles Coconut Milk Flavour",
    "Style": "Pack",
    "Country": "Myanmar",
    "Stars": 5,
    "Top Ten": "2016 #10"

I have created the following model interfere in Typescript

export interface Resto {
    Brand: string;
    Variety: string;
    Style: string;
    Country: string;
    Stars: any;
    Top_Ten: string;

I have called the API as:

   public async getListOfRestos() {
    return (await fetch(
        method: "get",
        credentials: "include",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: undefined
    )) as IFetchResponse<Resto[]>;

Used in JSX like:

 <div class="parent" v-for="(x,i) in listOfRestos" :key="i">
      <div>{{x['Top Ten']}}</div>

Same can also work in React and Angular.