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React.js, wait for setState to finish before triggering a function?

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How do you wait till state is set React?

Use the useEffect hook to wait for state to update in React. You can add the state variables you want to track to the hook's dependencies array and the function you pass to useEffect will run every time the state variables change.

How do you do a callback on setState?

The setState function takes an optional callback parameter that can be used to make updates after the state is changed. This function will get called once the state has been updated, and the callback will receive the updated value of the state.

What is useEffect cleanup?

What is the useEffect cleanup function? Just like the name implies, the useEffect cleanup is a function in the useEffect Hook that allows us to tidy up our code before our component unmounts. When our code runs and reruns for every render, useEffect also cleans up after itself using the cleanup function.

Is setState hook async?

useState and setState both are asynchronous. They do not update the state immediately but have queues that are used to update the state object. This is done to improve the performance of the rendering of React components.

setState() has an optional callback parameter that you can use for this. You only need to change your code slightly, to this:

// Form Input
    originId: input.originId,
    destinationId: input.destinationId,
    radius: input.radius,
    search: input.search
  this.findRoutes         // here is where you put the callback

Notice the call to findRoutes is now inside the setState() call, as the second parameter.
Without () because you are passing the function.

            originId: input.originId,
            destinationId: input.destinationId,
            radius: input.radius,
            search: input.search
        function() { console.log("setState completed", this.state) }

this might be helpful

setState takes new state and optional callback function which is called after the state has been updated.

  {newState: 'whatever'},
  () => {/*do something after the state has been updated*/}

According to the docs of setState() the new state might not get reflected in the callback function findRoutes(). Here is the extract from React docs:

setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.

There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains.

So here is what I propose you should do. You should pass the new states input in the callback function findRoutes().

handleFormSubmit: function(input){
    // Form Input
        originId: input.originId,
        destinationId: input.destinationId,
        radius: input.radius,
        search: input.search
    this.findRoutes(input);    // Pass the input here

The findRoutes() function should be defined like this:

findRoutes: function(me = this.state) {    // This will accept the input if passed otherwise use this.state
    if (!me.originId || !me.destinationId) {
    var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            origin: {'placeId': me.originId},
            destination: {'placeId': me.destinationId},
            travelMode: me.travelMode
        }, function(response, status){
            if (status === google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
                // me.response = response;
            } else {
                window.alert('Directions config failed due to ' + status);
    return p1

If someone here landed and having the same situation using hooks, the same behavior can be achived via the below process

const [data, setData] = useState(false);

useEffect(() => {
    doSomething(); // This is be executed when the state changes
}, [data]);


Here useEffect will run after any change in data, and we can execute any dependent task.