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Why does JavaScript map function return undefined?



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Why is my function returning undefined Javascript?

A variable that has not been assigned a value is of type undefined . A method or statement also returns undefined if the variable that is being evaluated does not have an assigned value. A function returns undefined if a value was not returned .

Why does map return null?

Returns null if the HashMap contains no mapping for this key. A return value of null does not necessarily indicate that the HashMap contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the HashMap explicitly maps the key to null. The containsKey operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.

How do I fix a .map function or not?

map is not a function" error occurs because the map method is not implemented on objects. To iterate over an object, use the Object. keys() method to get an array of the object's keys and call the map() method on the array of keys.

What does map () do JS?

Definition and Usage. map() creates a new array from calling a function for every array element. map() calls a function once for each element in an array. map() does not execute the function for empty elements.

You aren't returning anything in the case that the item is not a string. In that case, the function returns undefined, what you are seeing in the result.

The map function is used to map one value to another, but it looks like you actually want to filter the array, which a map function is not suitable for.

What you actually want is a filter function. It takes a function that returns true or false based on whether you want the item in the resulting array or not.

var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.filter(function(item){
    return typeof item ==='string';  

Filter works for this specific case where the items are not modified. But in many cases when you use map you want to make some modification to the items passed.

if that is your intent, you can use reduce:

var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.reduce((results, item) => {
    if (typeof item === 'string') results.push(modify(item)) // modify is a fictitious function that would apply some change to the items in the array
    return results
}, [])

Since ES6 filter supports pointy arrow notation (like LINQ):

So it can be boiled down to following one-liner.

['a','b',1].filter(item => typeof item ==='string');

My solution would be to use filter after the map.

This should support every JS data type.


const notUndefined = anyValue => typeof anyValue !== 'undefined'    
const noUndefinedList = someList
          .map(// mapping condition)
          .filter(notUndefined); // by doing this, 
                      //you can ensure what's returned is not undefined

You can implement like a below logic. Suppose you want an array of values.

let test = [ {name:'test',lastname:'kumar',age:30},

let result1 = test.map(element => 
                 if (element.age === 30) 
                    return element.lastname;
              }).filter(notUndefined => notUndefined !== undefined);

output : ['kumar','kumar','kumar']

You only return a value if the current element is a string. Perhaps assigning an empty string otherwise will suffice:

var arr = ['a','b',1];
var results = arr.map(function(item){
    return (typeof item ==='string') ? item : '';  

Of course, if you want to filter any non-string elements, you shouldn't use map(). Rather, you should look into using the filter() function.

var arr = ['a','b',1];
 var results = arr.filter(function(item){
                if(typeof item ==='string'){return item;}  