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Official way to get the Thread Information/Environment Block (TIB/TEB)

In Windows, it's long been common, if undocumented, knowledge that the Thread Information Block (TIB) of the current thread can be found at FS:0. But that only works on Intel CPUs, where the FS register exists in the first place. Now I wanna get to the TIB on an ARM-based Windows system (Windows Phone and maybe Windows RT). Is there an API for that, please?

EDIT: I want to get the thread stack base for crash reporting purposes.

Information about TIB/TEB: http://www.microsoft.com/msj/archive/S2CE.aspx

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Seva Alekseyev Avatar asked Aug 18 '13 16:08

Seva Alekseyev

People also ask

What is TEB in Windows?

The Thread Environment Block (TEB structure) describes the state of a thread.

What is TEB and PEB?

FS:[0x00] : Current SEH Frame. FS:[0x18] : TEB (Thread Environment Block) FS:[0x20] : PID. FS:[0x24] : TID. FS:[0x30] : PEB (Process Environment Block)

What is a Thread Environment Block (TEB)?

The Thread Environment Block ( TEB structure) holds context information for a thread. In the following versions of Windows, the offset of the 32-bit TEB address within the 64-bit TEB is 0. This can be used to directly access the 32-bit TEB of a WOW64 thread. This might change in later versions of Windows

What is Tib (Windows thread information block)?

TIB - Windows Thread Information Block The TIB is also referred to as TEB (Thread Environment Block)? The TIB is also known as Thread Environment Block. In a Win32 environment, the FSregisteralways points at the TEB, in a Win64 environment, it's the GSregister. Programattically, the TEB can be found with NtCurrentTeb().

What is a TIB in Linux?

In computing, the Win32 Thread Information Block (TIB) is a data structure in Win32 on x86 that stores information about the currently running thread. This structure is also known as the Thread Environment Block (TEB).

How do I find the TEB of a thread?

Access Code executing in user mode can easily find the TEBfor the current thread. While a thread that has a TEBexecutes in user mode, the fsor gsregister, for 32-bit and 64-bit code respectively, addresses this TEB. The TEBconveniently holds its own address in its NtTib.Selfmember.

3 Answers

The macro NtCurrentTeb() is available in winnt.h for all supported architectures, including ARM (Windows RT):

#if defined(_M_ARM) && !defined(__midl) && !defined(_M_CEE_PURE)

struct _TEB *
NtCurrentTeb (
    return (struct _TEB *)(ULONG_PTR)_MoveFromCoprocessor(CP15_TPIDRURW);
like image 139
Igor Skochinsky Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Igor Skochinsky

To answer your posted question, you can use NtQueryInformationThread() to retrieve a THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION structure, which contains a pointer to the thread's TIB in its TebBaseAddress member.

like image 35
Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10

Remy Lebeau

Igor nailed it. But FYI, in ARM assembly it goes like this:

mrc p15, 0, r12, c13, c0, 2 ; r12 now points at TEB/TIB
ldr r12, [r12, #4] ; r12 now holds stack base
like image 30
Seva Alekseyev Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Seva Alekseyev