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What is the most common version control software for Windows? [closed]

Coming from a UNIX background, with some knowledge of CVS and git, I have gotten my Windows development skills up in just about every area. But I still have no idea if there is a single VCS that Windows devs "have" to know.

Is there one used above all others?

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tsvallender Avatar asked Feb 19 '10 21:02


People also ask

What is a popular version control system?

VCS are sometimes known as SCM (Source Code Management) tools or RCS (Revision Control System). One of the most popular VCS tools in use today is called Git. Git is a Distributed VCS, a category known as DVCS, more on that later. Like many of the most popular VCS systems available today, Git is free and open source.

What are the two most popular version control systems?

The most popular distributed version control systems are Git, and Mercurial.

What are the three types of version control?

The types of VCS are: Local Version Control System. Centralized Version Control System. Distributed Version Control System.

What are the 2 varieties of version control?

There are two types of version control: centralized and distributed.

1 Answers

The makers of FinalBuilder used to do a survey every year of their (mostly Windows-based) customers. I can't find anything more recent than their 2008 survey, but here's what it looked like then.

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As you can see, there isn't just one you have to know. However, you'd be a fool not to familiarize yourself with Subverion and Sourcesafe.

If I were to predict how it has changed since then, I'd guess that Subversion has added users, SourceSafe has lost a bit of ground to Team Foundation, and that Git now shows up, but with only minor numbers.

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T.E.D. Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10
