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Octave, how to save a plot graph?

I need to save a plot. This is my code that I don't know why it does not work.

hold on;
plot(x1, y2)
plot(x1, y2)
print -djpg image.jpg

The plot in output on screen is correct, but the output in the file is different: it saves only an empty plot image without my points.

This is my output in the file: enter image description here

like image 241
Ewybe Avatar asked May 21 '14 09:05


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GNU Octave: Printing and Saving Plots Next: Interacting with Plots, Previous: Use of the interpreterProperty, Up: High-Level Plotting [Contents][Index] 15.2.9 Printing and Saving Plots The printcommand allows you to send plots to you printer and to save plots in a variety of formats.

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1 Answers

I just had the same issue with the latest Octave (3.8.1). This issue comes from GhostScript, not Octave. There's a bug with the management of fonts.

To make sure, check in your console after you try to print if this error is outputted (along with a lot more infos):

GPL Ghostscript 8.63: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

If that's the case, then try this:

set (0, "defaultaxesfontname", "Helvetica") % this is the line to add BEFORE plotting
hold on;
plot(x1, y2)
plot(x1, y2)
print -djpg image.jpg

This will fix the problem by setting a font that GhostScript can handle without any issue. Note that if you already plotted the figure, you will have to close it and replot it after setting defaultaxesfontname.

Source: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=710272

like image 56
gaborous Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
