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Observable.of is not a function




People also ask

Is Observable a function?

An Observable is basically a function that can return a stream of values to an observer over time, this can either be synchronously or asynchronously. The data values returned can go from zero to an infinite range of values.

What is Observable of in Angular?

Observable in Angular is a feature that provides support for delivering messages between different parts of your single-page application. This feature is frequently used in Angular because it is responsible for handling multiple values, asynchronous programming in Javascript, and also event handling processes.

How do you use Observable in Angular 8?

We can use the observable constructor to create an observable stream of any type. The observable's subscribe() executes with the constructor argument. The Observer object received by a subscriber function then publishes values using the observer's next() method. Add or modify the RxJS import to add Observer function.

Actually I have imports messed up. In latest version of RxJS we can import it like that:

import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';

If anybody is having this problem while using Angular >= 6 and rxjs version 6 or greater, see the answers here: Could not use Observable.of in RxJs 6 and Angular 6

In short, you need to import it like this:

import { of } from 'rxjs';

And then instead of calling


just use


Although it sounds absolutely strange, with me it mattered to capitalize the 'O' in the import path of import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable. The error message with observable_1.Observable.of is not a function stays present if I import the Observable from rxjs/observable. Strange but I hope it helps others.

My silly mistake was that I forgot to add /add when requiring the observable.


import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/observable/of';

Which visually looks OK becasue rxjs/observable/of file, in fact, exists.

Should be:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';

Patching wasn't working for me, for whatever reason, so I had to resort to this method:

import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of'

// ...

return of(res)

Just to add,

if you're using many of them then you can import all using

import 'rxjs/Rx'; 

as mentioned by @Thierry Templier. But I think If you are using limited operator then you should import individual operator like

import 'rxjs/add/operator/filter';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/mergeMap';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';

as mentioned by @uksz.

Because 'rxjs/Rx' will import all the Rx components which definitely cost performance.
