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Disable Input fields in reactive form



People also ask

How do I turn off form control and keep value?

If you set disabled to true when you set up this control in your component class, the disabled attribute will actually be set in the DOM for you. We recommend using this approach to avoid 'changed after checked' errors. Example: form = new FormGroup({ first: new FormControl({value: 'Nancy', disabled: true}, Validators.

How do I disable FormControl in angular 7 dynamically?

We can use disable() and enable() method of FormControl . We can also call disable/enable function at runtime by using control[action]() method of FormControl . We need to pass action as 'disable' or 'enable'. We can also use [disabled]="true" binding to disable a form control.

name: [{value: '', disabled: true}, Validators.required],
name: [{value: '', disabled: this.isDisabled}, Validators.required],



Pay attention

If you are creating a form using a variable for condition and trying to change it later it will not work, i.e. the form will not change.

For example

this.isDisabled = true;
this.cardForm = this.fb.group({
    number: [{value: null, disabled: this.isDisabled},

and if you change the variable

this.isDisabled = false;

the form will not change. You should use



You should use patchValue method for changing value:

    number: '1703'

I solved it by wrapping my input object with its label in a field set: The fieldset should have the disabled property binded to the boolean

 <fieldset [disabled]="isAnonymous">
    <label class="control-label" for="firstName">FirstName</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="firstName" type="text" formControlName="firstName" />

It is bad practice to use disable in a DOM with reactive forms. You can set this option in your FormControl, when you init the from

username: new FormControl(
    value: this.modelUser.Email,
    disabled: true

Property value is not necessary

Or you can get your form control with get('control_name')and set disable


The disabling FormControl prevents it to be present in a form while saving. You can just set it the readonly property.

And you can achieve it this way :


<select formArrayName="value" [readonly] = "disableSelect">

TS :

this.disbaleSelect = true;

Details here


Or formcontrol 'first'


You can set disable or enable on initial set.

 first: new FormControl({disabled: true}, Validators.required)

A more general approach would be.

// Variable/Flag declare
public formDisabled = false;

// Form init
this.form = new FormGroup({
  name: new FormControl({value: '', disabled: this.formDisabled}, 

// Enable/disable form control
public toggleFormState() {
    this.formDisabled = !this.formDisabled;
    const state = this.formDisabled ? 'disable' : 'enable';

    Object.keys(this.form.controls).forEach((controlName) => {
        this.form.controls[controlName][state](); // disables/enables each form control based on 'this.formDisabled'