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Observable.forkJoin() doesn't execute

I have the following code:

//Loop: For each user ID/Role ID, get the data userMeta.forEach((businessRole) => {   Observable.forkJoin(     af.database.object('/roles/'+businessRole.$value),     af.database.object('/users/'+businessRole.$key)   ).subscribe(     data => {       console.log("Data received");       data[1].role = data[0];       this.users.push(data[1]);     },     err => console.error(err)   ); 

I am trying to subscribe to a result of 2 observables using forkJoin.

For some reasons, the "Data received" message is not shown.

My userMeta variables looks fine at console.log:

enter image description here

What's wrong?

Update: the following code does not return anything either

let source = Observable.forkJoin(         af.database.object('/roles/'+businessRole.$value),         af.database.object('/users/'+businessRole.$key)     );     let subscription = source.subscribe(       function (x) {     console.log("GOT: " + x);   },   function (err) {     console.log('Error: %s', err);   },   function () {     console.log('Completed');   }); 

What I actually trying to do is improve the performance of the following code:

//Subscription 3: role ID to role Name         af.database.object('/roles/'+businessRole.$value)         .subscribe((roleData) => {         //Subscription 4: Get user info         af.database.object('/users/'+businessRole.$key).subscribe(user => { 
like image 563
TheUnreal Avatar asked Oct 28 '16 10:10


People also ask

What happens if observable fails in forkJoin?

The forkJoin will subscribe to the passed observables, by making the HTTP GET requests. If any input observable errors at some point, forkJoin will find the error as well and all other observables will be immediately unsubscribed.

What is observable forkJoin?

forkJoin is an operator that takes any number of input observables which can be passed either as an array or a dictionary of input observables. If no input observables are provided (e.g. an empty array is passed), then the resulting stream will complete immediately.

Does forkJoin complete?

As forkJoin only completes when all inner observables complete, we must be mindful if an observable never completes.

What can I use instead of forkJoin?

concat() which will handle each observable in sequence.

1 Answers

forkJoin() requires all source Observables to emit at least once and to complete.

This following demo completes as expected:

const source = forkJoin(   from([1,2,3]),   from([9,8,7,6]) ).subscribe(   x => console.log('GOT:', x),   err => console.log('Error:', err),   () => console.log('Completed') ); 

Live demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/rxjs-urhkni

GOT: 3,6 Completed 

Jan 2019: Updated for RxJS 6

like image 197
martin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09
