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How does ngSwitch work in Angular2?

I am trying to use ngSwitch as in this example but I get an error:

enter image description here

My Component:

  template: `     <div layout="column" layout-align="center center">       <div [ng-switch]="value">        <div *ng-switch-when="'init'">      <button md-raised-button class="md-raised md-primary">User</button>      <button md-raised-button class="md-raised md-primary">Non user</button>       </div>   <div *ng-switch-when="0">Second template</div>   <div *ng-switch-when="1">Third Template</div> </div>   </div>`,     directives: [NgSwitch, NgSwitchWhen, NgSwitchDefault]  }) 

My plunker - wizard.ts

What did I miss? Thank you

like image 504
Slip Avatar asked Mar 03 '16 16:03


People also ask

What is the use of ngSwitch?

The ng-switch directive lets you hide/show HTML elements depending on an expression. Child elements with the ng-switch-when directive will be displayed if it gets a match, otherwise the element, and its children will be removed.

What is the function of ngSwitch in Angular?

The [ngSwitch] directive on a container specifies an expression to match against. The expressions to match are provided by ngSwitchCase directives on views within the container. Every view that matches is rendered. If there are no matches, a view with the ngSwitchDefault directive is rendered.

What type of directive is ngSwitch?

The ngSwitch is an Angular structural directive, which allows us to add or remove DOM elements. It works in conjunction with ngSwitchcase , & ngSwitchDefault directives. It is similar to the switch statement of JavaScript.

1 Answers

Old way

Working Demo. you can check browser's console

changed ng-switch to ngSwitch
changed ng-switch-when to ngSwitchWhen

<div layout="column" layout-align="center center">         <div [ngSwitch]="value">       <div *ngSwitchWhen="'init'">          <button md-raised-button class="md-raised md-primary">User</button>          <button md-raised-button class="md-raised md-primary">Non user</button>        </div>       <div *ngSwitchWhen="0">Second template</div>       <div *ngSwitchWhen="1">Third Template</div>     </div>  </div>    <button md-fab  class="md-fab wizard_button--next"   aria-label="about"   (click)="onNext()"> <i class="material-icons" md-icon="">play_arrow</i>  </button> 

New Way

ANGULAR.2.0.0 OR Final Relase

UPDATE : How to Use ngSwitch in Angular2.0.0 or final release ???

Please note things have changed in final release so if you are using final release please go through below simple example.

Simple DEMO : http://plnkr.co/edit/IXmUm2Th5QGIRmTFBtQG?p=preview

@Component({   selector: 'my-app',   template: `   <button (click)="value=1">select - 1</button>   <button (click)="value=2">select - 2</button>   <button (click)="value=3">select - 3</button>   <h5>You selected : {{value}}</h5>    <hr>   <div [ngSwitch]="value">       <div *ngSwitchCase="1">1. Template - <b>{{value}}</b> </div>      <div *ngSwitchCase="2">2. Template - <b>{{value}}</b> </div>      <div *ngSwitchCase="3">3. Template - <b>{{value}}</b> </div>      <div *ngSwitchDefault>Default Template</div>    </div>   `,  }) export class AppComponent {} 
like image 115
Nikhil Shah Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Nikhil Shah