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ObservableCollection not updating View

I am just starting with MVVM and have hit a hurdle that I hope someone can help me with. I am trying to create a simple View with 2 listboxes. A selection from the first listbox will populate the second list box. I have a class created that stores the information I want to bind to.

MyObject Class (Observable Object is just a base class that implements INotifyPopertyChanged)

public class MyObject : ObservableObject
    String _name = String.Empty;
    ObservableCollection<MyObject> _subcategories;

    public ObservableCollection<MyObject> SubCategories
        get { return _subcategories; }

            _subcategories = value;

    public String Name
        get { return _name; }
            _name = value;

    public MyObject()
        _subcategories = new ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem>();

In my viewmodel I have two ObservableCollections created

public ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem> Level1MenuItems { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem> Level2MenuItems { get; set; }

In my constructor of the ViewModel I have:

this.Level1MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem>();
this.Level2MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem>();
this.Level1MenuItems = LoadEMSMenuItems("Sample.Xml");

That works fine for the Level1 items and they correctly show in the View. However I have a command that gets called when the user clicks an item in the listbox, which has the following:

Level2MenuItems = ClickedItem.SubCategories;

For some reason this does not update the UI of the second listbox. If I put a breakpoint at this location I can see that Level2MenuItems has the correct information stored in it. If I write a foreach loop and add them individually to the Level2MenuItems collection then it does display correctly.

Also as a test I added the following to the constructor:

Level2MenuItems = Level1MenuItems[0].SubCategories;

And that updated correctly.

So why would the code work as expected in the constructor, or when looping through, but not when a user clicks on an item in the listbox?

like image 309
David Duncan Avatar asked Dec 18 '11 23:12

David Duncan

1 Answers

You need to raise the change notification on the Level2MenuItems property.

Instead of having

public ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem> Level2MenuItems { get; set; }

you need

private ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem> _level2MenuItems;
public ObservableCollection<EMSMenuItem> Level2MenuItems
    get { return _level2MenuItems; }
        _level2MenuItems = value; 

The reason the former works in the constructor is that the Binding has not taken place yet. However since you are changing the reference via a command execute which happens after the binding you need to tell view that it changed

like image 55
aqwert Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10
