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Table in c# windows form app




I need a table for my Winform app and my question is what is the best control to use for it. In my table i need to:

  1. add columns once the user adds...
  2. the values in the table cells oftenly updates and contain String types and double.

I serached the web for some kind of tamplates for tables or any other examples of designed controls with no luck, i know java and c++ have many of that kinds. If you can recommand me of such sites...


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Michael A Avatar asked Apr 26 '11 08:04

Michael A

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1 Answers

DataGridView should be enough. There's plenty of examples and tutorials, starting with MSDN one through some tips related to the control and finally more complex examples (not necessarily for DGV only) with data binding.

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k.m Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
