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Objective-C: Extract filename from path string

Taken from the NSString reference, you can use :

NSString *theFileName = [[string lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];

The lastPathComponent call will return thefile.ext, and the stringByDeletingPathExtension will remove the extension suffix from the end.

If you're displaying a user-readable file name, you do not want to use lastPathComponent. Instead, pass the full path to NSFileManager's displayNameAtPath: method. This basically does does the same thing, only it correctly localizes the file name and removes the extension based on the user's preferences.

At the risk of being years late and off topic - and notwithstanding @Marc's excellent insight, in Swift it looks like:

let basename = NSURL(string: "path/to/file.ext")?.URLByDeletingPathExtension?.lastPathComponent