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Pod install is staying on "Setting up CocoaPods Master repo"

People also ask

Why does POD install take so long?

As mentioned in other answers, It takes forever because the size of cocoapods master repo is huge. This time can be reduced using the following steps. 1) Create a private specs file path on your github repository. Provide this path https://github.com/yourpathForspecs.git' as a source in your podfile.

What is the difference between POD install and pod update?

You added a new pod to your Podfile This will install the latest version* of any new pods added to your Podfile, leaving your other pods unchanged. If you were to run pod update instead, it would install the new pods and update each of your existing pods to its latest version*.

You could try running in verbose mode:

pod install --verbose

That'll show you what cocoa pods are up to:

Setting up CocoaPods master repo

Cloning spec repo `master` from `https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git` (branch `master`)
  $ /usr/bin/git clone 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git' master
  Cloning into 'master'...

(as suggested here)

For me the above step took quite a long time as the repo (Dec 2016) is now 1.1 GB

pod install or pod setup fetches whole repo with history when you first time run it. You don't need that commit history.

pod setup
Ctrl +C
cd ~/.cocoapods/repos 
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git master

It takes around 2 mins on decent network connection (4Mbps). master directory is around 519M big.

Try this command to track its work.

while true; do
  du -sh ~/.cocoapods/
  sleep 3

The issue is that you haven't got command line tools installed, I believe. Try run in terminal:

sudo gem update --system

after that download command line tools from Apple just search for 'Command Line Tools' and download the right version for your OS. Once you install it run in terminal:

sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup

May be this information will be helpful:

Official answer: http://blog.cocoapods.org/Master-Spec-Repo-Rate-Limiting-Post-Mortem/

As a result of this discussion https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/4989

Briefly: CocoaPods repository experiences a huge volume of fetches from GitHub and it was the problem. Changes have been available since version 1.0.0.beta.6.

Tips from this document:

If for whatever reason you cannot upgrade to version 1.0.0 just yet, you can perform the following steps to convert your clone of the Master spec-repo from a shallow to a full clone:

$ cd ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
$ git fetch --unshallow

My hack to first installation:

1. pod setup
2. Ctrl+C
After that I could find ~/.cocoapods/repos/ empty directory 
3. Download  https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/archive/master.zip
4. unpack it to ~/.cocoapods/repos/
5. Move to project folder
6. pod install --no-repo-update

Today it takes near 15 minutes