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Object has-property-deep check in JavaScript



Let's say we have this JavaScript object:

var object = {
           value:'Here am I'

How can we check if value property exists?

I can see only two ways:

First one:

if(object && object.innerObject && object.innerObject.deepObject && object.innerObject.deepObject.value) {
    console.log('We found it!');

Second one:

if(object.hasOwnProperty('innerObject') && object.innerObject.hasOwnProperty('deepObject') && object.innerObject.deepObject.hasOwnProperty('value')) {
    console.log('We found it too!');

But is there a way to do a deep check? Let's say, something like:



like image 208
BadVolt Avatar asked Oct 30 '15 20:10


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2 Answers

There isn't a built-in way for this kind of check, but you can implement it easily. Create a function, pass a string representing the property path, split the path by ., and iterate over this path:

Object.prototype.hasOwnNestedProperty = function(propertyPath) {
  if (!propertyPath)
    return false;

  var properties = propertyPath.split('.');
  var obj = this;

  for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
    var prop = properties[i];

    if (!obj || !obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
      return false;
    } else {
      obj = obj[prop];

  return true;

// Usage:
var obj = {
  innerObject: {
    deepObject: {
      value: 'Here am I'

like image 127
Viktor Bahtev Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 16:09

Viktor Bahtev

You could make a recursive method to do this.

The method would iterate (recursively) on all 'object' properties of the object you pass in and return true as soon as it finds one that contains the property you pass in. If no object contains such property, it returns false.

var obj = {
  innerObject: {
    deepObject: {
      value: 'Here am I'

function hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, prop) {
  if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) { // only performs property checks on objects (taking care of the corner case for null as well)
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {              // if this object already contains the property, we are done
      return true;
    for (var p in obj) {                         // otherwise iterate on all the properties of this object.
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p) &&               // and as soon as you find the property you are looking for, return true
          hasOwnDeepProperty(obj[p], prop)) { 
        return true;
  return false;                                  

console.log(hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, 'value'));   // true
console.log(hasOwnDeepProperty(obj, 'another')); // false
like image 29
nem035 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09
