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jQuery - bind event on Scroll Stop

If i want to bind an event on page scrolling i can use scroll();.

But how to fire when scroll() is ended up?

I would like to reproduce this:

    //do somenthing

    $(window).scrollSTOPPED(function(){  //--> when i'm scrolling then i stop to scrolling (so NOT when page scrollbar is at the end top or bottom :)
    //do somenthing else

any ideas?

like image 829
itsme Avatar asked Dec 26 '12 01:12


2 Answers

tiny jquery way

$.fn.scrollStopped = function(callback) {
  var that = this, $this = $(that);
  $this.scroll(function(ev) {
    $this.data('scrollTimeout', setTimeout(callback.bind(that), 250, ev));

After 250 ms from the last scroll event, this will invoke the "scrollStopped" callback.


lodash (even smaller)

function onScrollStopped(domElement, callback) {
  domElement.addEventListener('scroll', _.debounce(callback, 250));


pure js (technically the smallest)

function onScrollStopped(domElement, callback, timeout = 250) {
  domElement.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
    callback.timeout = setTimeout(callback, timeout);


strange fact

clearTimeout and clearInterval params don't have to be defined and can even be wrong types or even omitted.


like image 155
King Friday Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

King Friday

the event itself doesn't exist as scroll is a single event fired everytime the user scrolls by a certain increment.

What you can do however is emulate the event.

Credit to James Padolsey for this, lifted from his webpage:. Read it here to fully understand the code and how it is implemented.



var special = jQuery.event.special,
    uid1 = 'D' + (+new Date()),
    uid2 = 'D' + (+new Date() + 1);

special.scrollstart = {
    setup: function() {

        var timer,
            handler =  function(evt) {

                var _self = this,
                    _args = arguments;

                if (timer) {
                } else {
                    evt.type = 'scrollstart';
                    jQuery.event.handle.apply(_self, _args);

                timer = setTimeout( function(){
                    timer = null;
                }, special.scrollstop.latency);


        jQuery(this).bind('scroll', handler).data(uid1, handler);

    teardown: function(){
        jQuery(this).unbind( 'scroll', jQuery(this).data(uid1) );

special.scrollstop = {
    latency: 300,
    setup: function() {

        var timer,
                handler = function(evt) {

                var _self = this,
                    _args = arguments;

                if (timer) {

                timer = setTimeout( function(){

                    timer = null;
                    evt.type = 'scrollstop';
                    jQuery.event.handle.apply(_self, _args);

                }, special.scrollstop.latency);


        jQuery(this).bind('scroll', handler).data(uid2, handler);

    teardown: function() {
        jQuery(this).unbind( 'scroll', jQuery(this).data(uid2) );
};   })();

Probably worth noting that there are several questions related to yours, so this may be a possible duplication. e.g. Javascript: do an action after user is done scrolling and Fire event after scrollling scrollbars or mousewheel with javascript

like image 41
OACDesigns Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10
