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Can a dumb component use/render redux container component?

In the getting started video of Redux we see that the Footer (a dumb component) uses Filterlink (a container).

But when I read this article, it seems, but not very clearly, that only containers should use/render containers.

For me, if Footer uses Filterlink (which is tied to Redux) I can't reuse it on other projects which don't use Redux. But maybe it is an exception? Maybe hard coding dumb component for use only on one project is ok?

Am I missing something?

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dagatsoin Avatar asked Jan 25 '16 12:01


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Containers are the primary components and the entry point from which we call child or generic components. Basically, container components are called smart components because each container component is connected to Redux and consumes the global data coming from the store.

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In a Redux-powered app, a presentational component does not interact with the Redux store. The presentational component accepts props from a container component. The container component specifies the data a presentational component should render.

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Basically, container components are called smart components because each container component is connected to Redux and consumes the global data coming from the store. For example, we might have a container called BlogList connected to Redux, and the source code may look like this. BlogList.js

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1 Answers

The article was somewhat out of date with how I think about it today. I just updated it so you can read it again with the fresh perspective. I’ve come to the opinion that it’s totally fine to use container components inside presentational components. The reason for this is simple: you want to be able to turn a presentational component into a container component at any time it needs too much information, and it would be a bummer if you had to convert all call sites when you do that. Therefore whether a component is presentational or a container is its implementation detail, and any components, whether presentational or containers, can use it just fine.

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Dan Abramov Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 15:10

Dan Abramov