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Object created inside scope deallocated even when used outside of scope

Update: This was fixed in iOS 6.1 DP3 SDK.

I've tracked down a use-after-deallocated crash when building with ARC using the default release build configuration (debug seems to work fine). The problem occurs when creating an object inside an if-scope with a non-constant condition, assigning it to a variable from outside the scope and then only referencing the variable using Objective-C array or dictionary literals.

Here is the smallest reproducible case I've managed to find:

void test(BOOL arg)
    id obj = nil;

    if (arg) {
        obj = [NSObject new];

    // obj already deallocated here

    // but using NSArray works
    //[NSArray arrayWithObject:obj];

    // @[obj] works if obj is referenced i.e. by NSLog print out
    //NSLog(@"%@", obj);

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {
    return 0;

When I build and run this with zombie objects enabled I get this error message:

-[NSObject retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x100109100

As I commented in the code it works fine if obj is referenced in some other way, like with NSLog or using NSArray instead. Have I misunderstood how objects are released with ARC and scopes or is this a optimization bug in LLVM or Clang?

I'm using Xcode 4.5.2 with clang version 4.1 (tags/Apple/clang-421.11.66) (based on LLVM 3.1svn). I can reproduce it when building for x86 64 bit for iOS simulator and Mac OS X and I'm quite sure the same problem occurs when building for ARM as the issue was first found when running release build on an iPhone.

I have filed and bug report to Apple and created an open radar report.

What, if anything, am I missing?

Update, did some more experiments:

As Gabro pointed out the compiler translates @[] to a [NSArray arrayWithObjects:count:] statement so I did some tests:

// works
id a[] = {obj};
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:a count:1];

// does not work
const id *b = (id[]){obj};
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:b count:1];

// does not work
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id[]){obj} count:1];

So my guess is that this happens when combining ARC and anonymous C arrays.

like image 270
Mattias Wadman Avatar asked Dec 03 '12 16:12

Mattias Wadman

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1 Answers

You're not missing anything. It's a compiler bug.

like image 87
rob mayoff Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 04:10

rob mayoff