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GPUImage equivalent of cv::findContours

My app uses opencv's cv::findContours on a binary image. I now need to make it realtime. GPUImage has a cannyedge filter but I couldn't find anything related to findContours. Does GPUImage have anything that closely resembles findContours? If not, can someone suggest an alternative? Thanks

like image 752
0xSina Avatar asked Nov 02 '12 08:11


1 Answers

There was an issue reported in this regard in 2015. https://github.com/BradLarson/GPUImage/issues/2094

The answer of that issue states that GPUImage does not offer any such alternative at the moment. So the best guess might be to feed the output from GPUImage's Canny or Sobel edge detection into a contour determination operation outside of the GPUImage framework.

like image 76
Muhammad Abdullah Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Muhammad Abdullah