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Numpy, dot products on multidimensional arrays

I have some doubts on the numpy.dot product.

I define a matrix 6x6 like:

C[0,0], C[1,1], C[2,2] = 129.5, 129.5, 129.5
C[3,3], C[4,4], C[5,5] = 25, 25, 25
C[0,1], C[0,2] = 82, 82
C[1,0], C[1,2] = 82, 82
C[2,0], C[2,1] = 82, 82

Then I recast it in a 4-rank tensor by using a multidimensional array

def long2short(m, n):
    Given two indices m and n of the stiffness tensor the function
    return i the index of the Voigt matrix
    i = long2short(m,n)
    if m == n:
        i = m
    elif (m == 1 and n == 2) or (m == 2 and n == 1):
        i = 3
    elif (m == 0 and n == 2) or (m == 2 and n == 0):
        i = 4
    elif (m == 0 and n == 1) or (m == 1 and n == 0):
        i = 5      
    return i

for m in range(3):
    for n in range(3):
        for o in range(3):
            for p in range(3):
                i = long2short(m, n)
                j = long2short(o, p)
                c[m, n, o, p] = C[i, j]

And then I would like to change the coordinate reference system of the tensor by using the rotation matrix that I define like:

Q=np.array([[sqrt(2.0/3), 0, 1.0/sqrt(3)], [-1.0/sqrt(6), 1.0/sqrt(2), 1.0/sqrt(3)], [-1.0/sqrt(6), -1.0/sqrt(2), 1.0/sqrt(3)]])        
Qt = Q.transpose()

The matrix is orthogonal (althought the numerical precision is not perfect):

In [157]: np.dot(Q, Qt)
array([[  1.00000000e+00,   4.28259858e-17,   4.28259858e-17],
       [  4.28259858e-17,   1.00000000e+00,   2.24240114e-16],
       [  4.28259858e-17,   2.24240114e-16,   1.00000000e+00]])

But why then if I perform:

In [158]: a=np.dot(Q,Qt)
In [159]: c_mat=np.dot(a, c)
In [160]: a1 = np.dot(Qt, c)
In [161]: c_mat1=np.dot(Q, a1)

I get the expected value for c_mat (=c) but not for c_mat1? Is there some subtility to use dot on multidimensional arrays?

like image 248
Alessandro Benedetto Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 14:07

Alessandro Benedetto

People also ask

How does dot product work in Numpy?

If one input is a scalar and one is an array, np. dot() will multiply every value of the array by the scalar (i.e., scalar multiplication). If both inputs are 1-dimensional arrays, np. dot() will compute the dot product of the inputs.

Can Numpy arrays be multidimensional?

In general numpy arrays can have more than one dimension. One way to create such array is to start with a 1-dimensional array and use the numpy reshape() function that rearranges elements of that array into a new shape.

Should I use Matmul or dot?

matmul work perfectly for dot product and matrix multiplication. However, as we said before, it is recommended to use np. dot for dot product and np. matmul for 2D or higher matrix multiplication.

1 Answers

The issue is that np.dot(a,b) for multidimensional arrays makes the dot product of the last dimension of a with the second-to-last dimension of b:

np.dot(a,b) == np.tensordot(a, b, axes=([-1],[2]))

As you see, it does not work as a matrix multiplication for multidimensional arrays. Using np.tensordot() allows you to control in which axes from each input you want to perform the dot product. For example, to get the same result in c_mat1 you can do:

c_mat1 = np.tensordot(Q, a1, axes=([-1],[0]))

Which is forcing a matrix multiplication-like behavior.

like image 178
Saullo G. P. Castro Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 01:11

Saullo G. P. Castro