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Numerically stable evaluation of sqrt(x+a) - sqrt(x)

Is there an elegant way of numerically stable evaluating the following expression for the full parameter range x,a >= 0?

f(x,a) = sqrt(x+a) - sqrt(x)

Also is there any programming language or library that does provide this kind of function? If yes, under what name? I have no specific problem using the above expression right now, but encountered it many times in the past and always thought that this problem must have been solved before!

like image 632
Andreas H. Avatar asked Sep 07 '15 19:09

Andreas H.

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1 Answers

Yes, there is! Provided that at least one of x and a is positive, you can use:

f(x, a) = a / (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x))

which is perfectly numerically stable, but hardly worth a library function in its own right. Of course, when x = a = 0, the result should be 0.

Explanation: sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x) is equal to (sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x)) * (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x)) / (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x)). Now multiply the first two terms to get sqrt(x+a)^2 - sqrt(x)^2, which simplifies to a.

Here's an example demonstrating the stability: the troublesome case for the original expression is where x + a and x are very close in value (or equivalently when a is much smaller in magnitude than x). For example, if x = 1 and a is small, we know from a Taylor expansion around 1 that sqrt(1 + a) should be 1 + a/2 - a^2/8 + O(a^3), so sqrt(1 + a) - sqrt(1) should be close to a/2 - a^2/8. Let's try that for a particular choice of small a. Here's the original function (written in Python, in this case, but you can treat it as pseudocode):

def f(x, a):
    return sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x)

and here's the stable version:

def g(x, a):
    if a == 0:
        return 0.0
        return a / ((sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x))

Now let's see what we get with x = 1 and a = 2e-10:

>>> a = 2e-10
>>> f(1, a)
>>> g(1, a)

The value we should have got is (up to machine accuracy): a/2 - a^2/8 - for this particular a, the cubic and higher order terms are insignificant in the context of IEEE 754 double-precision floats, which only provide around 16 decimal digits of precision. Let's compute that value for comparison:

>>> a/2 - a**2/8
like image 179
Mark Dickinson Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Mark Dickinson