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Number of total observations per line on density plot




I would like to add the total number of observations per group on a density plot. I would like to know if stat_summary can be used for this. I have tried to find an example for this case and I can't find it. There are only examples for box plots. For example, I have followed this example: Use stat_summary to annotate plot with number of observations

adapting the code to my case, which is plotting a density graph.

n_fun <- function(x){
         return(data.frame(y = median(x), label = paste0("n = ",length(x))))

ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg, colour=factor(cyl))) +
geom_line(stat="density", aes(linetype=factor(cyl)), size=0.8) +
stat_summary(fun.data = n_fun, geom = "text")

and the error that I get is :

Error: stat_summary requires the following missing aesthetics: y

Only plotting the density plot works fine. The error appears when adding stat_summary

Help will be greatly appreciated.

like image 437
ruthy_gg Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 15:03


1 Answers

I think @jlhoward 's answer is exactly what you wanted. In case you need to plot many densities in the same graph I'd suggest to include the additional info you want (number of observations) in the legend and not in the plot. Like this:


df        <- mtcars
df$median <- ave(df$mpg, df$cyl, FUN=median)
df$label  <- ave(df$mpg, df$cyl, FUN=function(x)paste0("n = ",length(x)))
df$cyl_group <- paste0(df$cyl, "  (", df$label, ")")

ggplot(df, aes(x=mpg, colour=cyl_group)) +
  geom_line(stat="density", aes(linetype=cyl_group), size=0.8) 

enter image description here

like image 109
AntoniosK Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 15:03
