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Notepad++ XmlTools Not Installing [closed]



This is depressing - I have installed XMLTools and can see it in the menu - It has one sub menu which is "How To Use"

If I select that it says something like no libxml / libxslt - Google returns nothing

How can I install this plugin properly

like image 353
Jack Kada Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 15:02

Jack Kada

People also ask

How do I get the plugin admin in Notepad ++?

Opening the Notepad++ Plugin Manager The Plugins Admin dialog box (or plugin manager) lists the available and installed plugins. You can install additional plugins, update, and remove included plugins with this dialog box. To open the Notepad++ plugin manager, go to Plugins > Plugins Admin.

1 Answers

Hey, just had the same issue.

You need to download ext_libs.zip, and extract the contents to where you have installed the Notepadd++.

Something like

C:\Program Files\Notepad++

Then restart Notepad++, and this should work.

Hope it helps.

like image 181
Adriaan Stander Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 19:10

Adriaan Stander