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Notepad++: How to automatically set Language as Xml when load files

People also ask

How do I import XML into Notepad ++?

In the main menu click Language / User Defined Language / Define your language... the window that you have a screenshot of on the right side will appear. Then click the Import... button near the top and browse to your . xml file and press Open .

You can do this by using the Style Configurator (Settings Menu):

This image shows the php language, but it works for any language you want to map

enter image description here

From the Settings menu, choose Style Configurator.... Choose the XML Language from the list, and enter "config" in the User ext field.

I don't think you can set a default style for all files (there may be some config file trickery that does allow it though) but as you specifically mention .config files, you can open the langs.xml or langs.model.xml file in your Notepad++ installation directory, find the xml section, and add config to the value of the ext attribute:

<Language name="xml" ext="xml xsml xsl xsd kml wsdl config" commentLine="" commentStart="&lt;!--" commentEnd="--&gt;">

Or, use the Style Configuarator as noted by @AdamHawkes (+1), instead of messing around in the XML config files themselves!

To set a 'global' default language:

  1. Launch Notepad++
  2. Click Settings > Preferences
  3. Click on the New Document/Default Directory tab
  4. Change the Default Language to HTML
  5. Click the Close button

For anyone that's seeing this in 2017, the location has changed: enter image description here