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Notepad++ Find File Name



In Notepad++ I need to open files sometimes, existing in different folders, which takes time to go to the folder, and search the file through Light Explorer.

Is there any feature or plug-in of Notepad++, which will let me open the files directly. For suppose, if I need to open a file with the name notepad.php, all I need to do is to write notepad or note, and it finds me the similar filenames starting with what I've queried.


like image 711
user1182071 Avatar asked Nov 05 '22 06:11


1 Answers

I don't know of any plugins, but why not just write a batch file that will open them for you in Notepad++?

For example, if you need all of the files in a directory structure named "notepad.php" opened in Notepad++ create a batch file like so:

for %%i in ("dir /b /s" notepad.php) do %programfiles%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe %%i

This will open all of the files called notepad.php within the directory structure it is run in.

like image 196
jebar8 Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 18:12
