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Notepad++ Increase number of lines scrolled when user scrolls




When I use my Notepad++ editor, and I scroll within the editor, the lines only move by 1. I have my computer settings set to 6 lines per scroll, but they are not translating in Notepad++. I also cannot find the setting within the preferences. It's not the end of the world, I just would like my scrolling experience to not change when swapping from the browser to Notepad++ ect.


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Altef four Avatar asked Nov 18 '22 00:11

Altef four

2 Answers

You can configure it through the OS/system settings, but you need to restart notepad++ after that changes.

Tested on Windows 10 Enterprise version 21H1 (64-bit) with notepad++ v.7.5.6 (32-bit).

This answer is attributed to @Pshemo comment.

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Thariq Nugrohotomo Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 17:12

Thariq Nugrohotomo

For my MSI WS60, Win10Pro, go to Settings>Devices>Touchpad>in the touchpad sensitivity drop down box, set it to most sensitive, and yes, close and reopen Notepad ++. Worked for me.

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Rusty Chapman Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 18:12

Rusty Chapman