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Notepad++ Add selection between matching braces feature?



Notepad++ just released a new update, v6.4.4:

One of the new features listed is: 10. Add selection between matching braces feature.

What does that mean? Sounds useful if I can figure it out.

like image 634
plinkplink Avatar asked Sep 09 '13 19:09


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At Settings->Preferences->Delimiter, change the delimiters from parentheses to braces and check the multi-line box. Then you can Ctrl-double-click on either brace to highlight everything in between. Also, to jump between braces you can use Ctrl-b.

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To specify the color to highlight matching delimiters, go to Visual Studio options (Tools | Options), open the Environment | Fonts and Colors page, and select the desired colors for the ReSharper Brace Outline and/or ReSharper Matched Brace items.

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To see a bracket's pair, click to the right of the bracket. Its matching pair will be highlighted. To jump to the matching bracket, press Ctrl+Shift+P.

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To see on what element the caret is currently positioned, press Alt + Q . To move caret between matching code block braces, press Ctrl + Shift + M . To navigate between code blocks, press Ctrl + Shift + [ or Ctrl + Shift + ] .

1 Answers

I think following is this feature

Select a curly brace { press Ctrl+Alt+B to highlight the section.

It can be accessed through Search -> "Select All between Matching Braces"

enter image description here

like image 139
P0W Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 21:10