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Not finding the metadata window (F12) when using Resharper

When I hit F12 (or right-click and select Go To Definition) in Visual Studio on code I don't have the source for, it should bring up a generated metadata file. (Very similar to the Code Definition Window)

This doesn't work when ReSharper (R#) is installed. After R# is installed, the Object Browser opens instead.

I've had this problem on several fresh installed computers, and at least since R# 3. (You'll see this works again when you disable R# and restart VS)

How can I get to the metadataview now?

like image 830
Arjan Einbu Avatar asked May 20 '09 12:05

Arjan Einbu

1 Answers

You can change ReSharper's F12 action by going to ReSharper -> Options... -> Tools -> External Sources and changing the order and selection of the External source data providers.

Credit and more details: http://blog.aheil.de/2009/12/27/resharper-5-0-can-visual-studio-2010-metadata-view/

like image 172
cmour Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
